I have a Springer Spaniel who is now 3, ever since we have had him from 8 weeks old he has weed a bit when someone goes to stroke him, i took him to puppy socialising classes and the lady said that he would grow out of it! i have also took him to the vets to check that he doesnt have any type of infection but that has come back clear, she thinks that it is soe type of behavioural problem as he has done it for so long. What he does is if someone comes in the house he will run up to them excited to see them and if they put their hand down to stroke him he will wee, it wont just be a little bit of wee it can be quite a lot, he doesnt do this with us though just friends and even people in the street if they go to stroke him, he is an absolute gorgeous dog and the best around the kids but this is really annoying me now, we dont tell him off when he does it as i dont think that is the right thing to do. i get nervous when people come round and i dont want people to stroke him because i dont want him to wee over them. We do get people to ignore him then stroke him outside and he would definately wee but he could wee again even if friends have been round for ages! I am sure that i must be doing something wrong! Should i advise friends who do go to stroke him that if he starts to squat down then to straight away turn away from him and ignore him or what should i do, i know that this is quite long but i am trying to give as much detail as i can. Apart from when he does this he is such an exciteable and happy dog always jumping around and being a complete nutter which is typical springer i know but i really want to know if i can do something about him keep weeing!