
Any players left to trade for???

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Are there any players left that the Mets could acquire and/or are interested in getting and what is the likelyhood that the Mets actually do add one or more player via trade.




  1. With the trading deadline passed, I doubt the Mets would make a significant trade for someone who would be inelligible for the playoffs at this time.

  2. well the trading deadline passed on thursday,but i still see them at least attempting to make a blockbuster trade possibly for someone like adam dunn or huston street.

    they have prospects and money so they have the potential to bring in a very good player

  3. You can still trade until the rosters are expanded to 40 players, it just means that a player has to pass through waivers first. So in other words before the trade goes through any team can claim that player if they want, thereby eliminating the trade.  

    The guy who said Delgado for Derrek Lee is crazy, as awesome as it would be, there is no way that the Cubs would trade a 33 year old who is the best hitter in their lineup for a 38 year old, overachieving player who is on a hot streak but inconsistent and declining.

    Adam Dunn would make sense, but he brings a relatively big contract.

    And if you say that he strikes out too much who cares, his OBP is .384, which would be second on the team! Plus he'll hit 40+ bombs.  

    The trade that makes sense in my mind if he is available, and would come at a relatively low cost is David DeJesus.  He is hitting over .300, 10 bombs, 51 RBIS, 55 runs.  He is from New York, went to Rutgers. Plus he scored over 100 runs on a bad Kansas City team. Plus, the Royals have Billy Butler who isn't playing consistently because Jose Guillen is DHing, so if they moved DeJesus Guillen could play left field and Butler could DH.  That is a good trade plus he could be the table setter for the big bats in the middle of the order.

    Why am I not the GM of the Mets?

  4. well the mets could make a deal with the cubs for carlos delgado for derrek lee thats a good trade not really a cubs or mets fan

  5. The trading deadline has passed so they can't trade for anyone anyway.

  6. ADAM DUNN!! Please some team get him out of the Reds please!!!!! Any AL team will be glad to have him because he can be the best DH ever, but please get him out of Left Field! Take his strikeouts elsewhere too.

  7. the indians could still possibly try to move Paul Byrd.

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