
Any poet on line?? I need your inspiration?

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I'm looking for a more heart-felt, touching sentence to say "I walked through many different countries checking what the horizon had to offer". The rest of the poem establishes there is no place like my home. I appreciate all the help I can get. Thank you




  1. ok well i am a poet onilne but i dont read or write any of that type of stuff

  2. I journeyed, chasing horizons

    through countries unknown

    seeking, but never finding

    that which home gave

  3. My soles trod the paths from east to west and north to south, I searched the horizon for the answers and they were not there.  A search of my heart finally revealed to me that which I thought I had lost.

  4. O! The countries I have

    seen... the

    horizons I have

    watched... for what?

    The answers just aren't



  5. i stumbled through the dreary landscapes

    which some people call home

    but could not find any sense of it.

    kinda cliche but could u post the whole poem?? that would help ALOT

  6. How many countries?

    How many horizons....

    What sunrise lights

    My way?

  7. winding through life

    each new horizon

    only left me hungry

    empty and yearning

    for the peace of home.

  8. Maybe one of these?

    It is without my place in harmony of which I have pocessed as my true being, my chosen offering.

    To my beast of the berry, I have search but with whom I have not found another place on this earth, to it, you are my home.

    It was the sun, the moon under which I travel, discovering my surrounds in the uphills of the earth, but to thee, I have already found, my place, my home.

    I hope this helps!

  9. i am not a poetess but I would suggest this for you:

    Seeking  the edge of the world,

    Trying to find the word

    a long journy it is  

    in this faraway world

    I am to find

    A land composes me the rhyme

    A land worths more that a dime

    A land stops the time

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