
Any point to keeping insurance documents from a company you're no longer with?

by  |  earlier

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B/c I just switched (again), and I'm sick of the clutter in my file cabinet -- is there some kind of time period (like 7 years for tax stuff), or can I just shred it all from the previous companies?

Thanks all!




  1. every think that mbrcatz1 said plus

    some companys will offer you discounts if you have had prior ins , but you need to show proof of ins.

  2. You need to keep policies past the statute of limitations in your state - until enough time has passed, that you can't be sued for anything that might have happened during the policy period, even if you didn't know about it (like the mailman slipping on your front porch steps while delivering mail - if he sues you for pain and suffering because you didn't have a handrail, you NEED to know which policy was in effect at the time!)

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