
Any pointers? I'm a bit nervous trying out. ?

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Tomorrow is my school's theatre audition for As You Like It by Shakespeare.

I was wondering are there any tips or pointers any can share. any thoughts are welcomed.




  1. Just Do It. as nike would say.  Take a deep breath ( i know everyone says that but it really works).  Think to yourself i will do the best i can do and bump it out.  Anyone who tries will be acknowledged in some way.  Don't worry about it.  Go all out in your audition.  Adopt the character and go to the fullest extent.  Directors always like it when you show them what you can do, if it is too much they can bring you back a little.   BREAK A LEG!!!!!!!!!

  2. When you go to your tryouts try to talk loud but don't yell. just make sure people can hear you. If you make a mistake its not the end of the world just keep reading the script as if nothing happened. Get a good night sleep and don't be nervous give it all you got! My friend tried out for the school play and messed up most of the lines but acted as if nothing happened and she still got the lead role.


  3. Just get out there and give it your all. I find that if your not nervous before an audition or performance than your not actually ready. Every Audition that I have went to nervous, I got which part I wanted , partly I believe because I cared about getting it. Any of them I want to knowing I would get the part I got shot down and sucked at.

    Also when you get on stage forget everything around you and think of yourself only as the character.      

  4. Just think, you could be the best person and everyone else will be bad. :]

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