
Any potty training tips!?

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My daughter 16 mths and im potty training her this weekend. She's my first child so im clueless on how to begin. I know its not gonna be easy and its gonna take time. Im prepared for this. I know she's ready! So any advice?




  1. 16 months is a little early to actually start the potty training, but you can bring her into the bathroom whenever you have to go. Get her used to the potty and sitting on it while you do your business.

  2. She's a little young to start potty training, I would wait untill she's 2 then start showing her the potty and how it works and most of the time little kids are really interested in that subject so they'll want to be potty trained.

  3. Here are the top two ideas that seem to get the best response from a child. I use these all the time and they work really well!

    1. Try encouraging your child with a reward. Every time they can go to the potty without wetting their pants, they get a treat (candy, toy, etc…). I tried this with my nephew and he definitely loved it. He was so excited to show me he went potty all by himself. It may take a few tries before they get the hang of it but once they do it’s all uphill from there.

    2. Use a prop for your child. One of my favorites that I use with Jacqueline is the potty undies. We picked a pair of undies that has a cartoon character she loves (in this case strawberry shortcake) and I tell her, “Make sure you don’t get Strawberry all wet. She doesn’t like that very much.” So now when she goes potty she finds me afterwards to show me Strawberry is still dry.

    The main idea is to entertain the child and make it seem like going potty is a game. Children hate work and love fun, so why not make potty time fun for them. Trust me your child will absolutely love one of the top two ideas. Good Luck!

  4. Take her, show her how to do it and when she does, reward her.

    When she doesn't; be very disspointed.

    But keep in mind it does take time. Although my girls it was almost overnight, most kids it does take a long time to get it perfect!

  5. Well what i did with my brother is,

    every time he went poo poo on the potty he got a sucker. Peeing is the easiest thing.   But my brother had recently been sick and the medicine he was taking caused him to have diariaha and so he decided it was easier to go on the potty then have wet stuff in his pants. Give the kid a little laxitive. Fruits will work.  Just mainly *bribe* him.  Hate to put it that way but thats what you have to do.

  6. My son hates the potty chair, but loves the potty ring that fits on the regular toilet.  Potty training will only work when the child is ready, so keep that in mind.

  7. reward her but i dont know if se understands if she does here you go

    buy her a training poty at like walmart and then everytime she goes reward her like give her a piggy and  when she goes give her a penny in the bank  

  8. potty training is tough to give direction on since obviously your child is different then mine and I don't know your child, but here are some of the things that I did.....first of all.....I did away with diapers, not completley, but for a few hours in the afternoon I put a pair of regular panties on my daughter and let her run around like that. yes it was messy, but she did not like the feeling of being in wet panties. When she would pee....I would make a big deal out of it so she would know and then we would go to the bathroom so she began to learn the connection with the two. I also took her to the bathroom with me when I went. I talked to her and told her that mama was a big girl and went on the potty. She then helped me wash my hands and flush the potty. She wanted to be big like me. Also....I potty trained my daughter to "p**p" on the potty first, It is a little easier to tell when she has to do that than peeing. That was very easy.....after only  a week or so she would tell me when she had to "p**p" and then if she peed when we were in there we did a little dance when she was done and then I gave her a sticker. Potty training is frustrating and it can be a long process so just stay patient and focused. Just remember it will happen. Also....make sure everyone else that spends time or watches your child is on board. If you are going to go with rewards and a routine make sure it is consistant. Hope I was able to help. Best of Luck to you!

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