
Any predictions bout the future direction of my career. I was born on 27 aug. 83 at 4.15 am at chandigarh.?

by  |  earlier

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(Chandigarh is in India)




  1. Yes I predict that someday you will die :( until then you will be considered a fool for believing in the stars  

  2. I see your birthday coming soon!

  3. You will remain in India as technical support phone operator for Microsoft.  You will own a small house, deluxe vacation hut, 2 camels and a flying carpet.  You will have 7.3 kids.  Your best friend will be a blue genie.

  4. Outlook good

  5. I see a future of long tiring nights in the customer service field ( Your gonna be the dude I call when my internet doesn't work and we probably wont be able to understand to well what we are saying to each other). Or you might just be a bull rider. Not to sure

  6. i was born on now my name is alishar usman

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