
Any pregnant women out there 16wks or close enough?

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I just want to compare the wight gain I'm very concerned about having gained too much weigth by now..I've gained 11 pounds so far..I started @ 127lbs and weighed 138lbs this weekend>>help how much do you weigh?




  1. im 15w2d pregnant and already gained 10 lbs...i gained the first 6 lbs. during the first trimester...ur perfectly normal...i started at 150 lbs and now im 160 dr. is not concerned at all...congrats on the baby

  2. A one time large weight gain during pregnancy is not bad but if you keep going at that rate, it will be too much.  If it slows down now, you will be fine.

  3. I'm at 18 weeks today. I've gained approx 5 lbs or so. But please remember that everyone is different. I didn't really put on much wait during my first trimester, so now that I'm eating more and my belly is getting bigger, I'm just starting to gain now.

  4. I will be 16 weeks on Thursday (so 15w 4d today), and so far I have only gained 5 lbs or so. However, I started out around 175 and although it was not all fat(I have a lot of muscle from playing lacrosse and softball, etc.), I think that I was losing some of that extra weight while gaining baby weight at the same time until the last month or so. Before 11 weeks I hadn't gained a single ounce.

    I would say you're OK as long as your doctor doesn't mention a weight gain issue. If you're concerned, try eating more healthy, balanced meals(I know with me it's hard because I crave carbs like crazy), and getting exercise that is safe for women while pregnant like walking or light lifting. There are plenty of resources and websites out there to help pregnant women stay healthy AND happy. is a good one to check out for any questions.  

  5. I am 16 weeks and 2 days with twins.  I started out at 102lbs and I have gained 6lbs which 4 of those pounds were gained in the last two weeks.

  6. Everyone is different, You seem very averaged weight and I know for a fact everyone gains different.

    I am 18 weeks I weigh 131 and Have not gained anything yet I did have a very bad case of all day prego sickness though, My friend is 16 weeks she started out at 116 and is up to 132. You are doing just fine! I know for a fact if the doctor thinks your gaining to much they will tell you my friend was told at around 6 months she needed to eat better she had gotten very big in a short time, But to me it sounds like your gaining healthy! Congrats!!!  

  7. I am 14 weeks today and have not gained anything so far, but I have had really bad morning sickness and now I have a cold so I am sure those are the reasons for not gaining anything.

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