
Any programe can be use in restaurant???from take order to cashier?

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Any programe can be use in restaurant???from take order to cashier?




  1. No, not any "programe" can be used in restaurant!! from take order to cashier usually 20 to 45 minutes depending how fast you eat. Now, what is your question? Maybe if you refine your question and have it reflect some sense of intellect you will find you get an answer more in the line of what you are looking for.

  2. Check out sakae sushi outlet where you can either make an order through the wait staff or click through the computer on your table. I think this type of system is truly excellent.

  3. if you're talking about computer programs to manage your restaurant's daily operation, yes there are softwares you can buy, install and use it. you may talk to cashier register vendors or bar code system vendors perhaps. if you have good budget, you may hire a software consultant to do it for you custom made

    good luck

  4. please define ur Q..i cant get it....

  5. Maybe a buffet programme to working worker for a month who visit in the restaurant would be good. It can save budget for the worker to buy food for a month during working hour. Furthermore, many workers will find good thing by participant this programmme.

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