
Any programs where I can travel/volunteer?

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I'm an 18 year old, fresh out of high school, and before I begin college, I'd like to experience the real world. I want to travel, move, volunteer. I don't know where the begin; my school and home life has been pretty sheltered. Everything is about a "plan."

But I want more than that. I want to experience life and gain a new perspective. Please, any information would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Peace Corps

    "The men and women who join the Peace Corps reflect the rich diversity of America in race, ethnic background, age, and religion. They possess varying physical capabilities. They come from all geographical regions, all personal backgrounds, all walks of life. Each brings a unique perspective"

    "What do they all have in common? A sense of adventure and a desire to help others.

    Use the links below to explore just a few of the many types of people who have served as Peace Corps Volunteers".


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