
Any psychic, astrologer, tarot reader..please tell me what you see in my future?

by  |  earlier

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i was born on july 14th 1992 around 12:38 am in hyderabad, india

i am currently living in america

i'd like to know what you see in my life this year and also in the future...thank you!




  1. surprise that such an intelligent person is relying on a psychic that also on /through internet pl be aware that psy know much less about u than u do urself/

    ur very intelligent just kindly apply ur mind

    ue power of observation  is par excellence if u know what i am saying only u like /love being a loser pl chang eur attitude

    since u were born at 12.38 am ur  born on a 13th this is a very powerful sign but wreaks disaster unless managed intelligently

  2. tonight you will sleep, tomarrow you will wake and probably use the bathroom. some day you will die.  

  3. i see.....


  4. hi! u have the right answer 'within' you.u can select ur future by controlling or creating ur thoughts.for eg if u want to be a doctor u can image a nameplate having ur name with MBBS and think like a doctor.u'll be a doctor in future.

  5. Je vois que vous aurez des objectifs que vous voulez reussir et vous faites dans cet an ou ces ans ulterieurs. Vous obtiendrez epouse a un gars decent.

  6.    You are going through surya dasha and it will extend from 2007-2013.


             As at the time of your birth Aries Ascendant was rising on the eastern horizon, your Lagna comes under Gemini Navamsa and Aries Dreskana in Aswini third Pad.

              This marks you as a dynamic individual with a lot of drive to carry out your persuits with power and determination. A highly ambitious person, you will make it a point to work hard to realise your goals. You are gifted with self-confidence par excellence to get going with your tasks. But there is a minor snag and that is: A wavering mind. In most cases you move with electrifying speed, but suddenly halt in your tracks as you start having second thoughts. If you stick to any one decision and work whole-heartedly to implement it, you are bound to succeed very well.

              Actually, in your heart of hearts, you want to emerge as a leader since you are aware you can’t follow others’ instructions. For appearances’ sake, however, you give the impression of heeding others’ advice, but it is seldom that you are influenced by them. Actually, the persons who offer suggestions to you derive inspiration from you.

              You are not scared of your enemies. In the face of any adversity due to the machinetions of your enemies, you will face it with a straight-forward approach, but there may be instances when you exercise your discretion to act diplomatically.

              Aswini denotes you have a strong and forceful personality with the ability to amass wealth. With your broad forehead and penetrating eyes, you have the capacity to make a good impression on all those with whom you come in contact. Due to excessive greed to make money, you may be involved in disputes with your brothers. Your family life otherwise will be good. Family matters play an important role in your life. You are all the time thinking of doing the maximum for your family and so unconsciously you will shoulder the entire responsibility of your household to the extent of acting like a guardian for them.

              Most people get scared at the very mention of the word jail, But you won’t fall into that category. That is because you may even become a jail official. It is one of the professions suitable to you, the others being the police, railways, etc.

              In general your health will be fine but you will have to be cautious about attacks of fainting, congestion in the brain and headache. Better to periodically consult your family doctor so that preventive steps can be taken.

              Your lucky period starts from the age of 20. Your lucky days are Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. Pretty fair are Sunday and Monday, while Wednesday and Thursday are not too good, as on those days you will incur unnecessary expenses

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