
Any psychics here? i want to know more!?

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erm, if you do know anything about PK(PKLT,PKMT,PKST),tell me more about it, especially if you are a psychic!i'm pretty interested.i would appreciate if more if you told me about it instead of giving me a link to websites.(but you could)so,does deja vu have any thing related to psychic? what's all the telepathy, clairvoyance, etc. things really about? can this be trained or it's something you are born with? anyone intersted on the supernatural phenomena? tell me more about it! i'd love to hear! spoon bending? is it tiring to do all those psychic things cuz they reqire mental powers and stuff? oh, and is there any people who can gimme psychic readings for free?(lol, just curious)but i'm pretty dang interested about all these supernatural stuff.does it mean that you have to be able to do all those esp tests and psychic tests on the internet to prove that you are a psychic?like if you aren't able to do that means you are really not a psychic?i'd really love it if i could bend a spoon!




  1. Dinesh Sharma

      Hare Krishna,

    Hope all will be well soon ................

    I can help you to suggest a very nice and learned psychic, I know him since last twenty years ........... he is so incredible in his readings and providing remedies. You can write him directly . . .  .

    His name is Aditya ..........

    His Email id is :




  2. too many questions.  email me if you want to know things at

    Ask questions then, then i can help you

  3. WOW - I mean... these are a lot of questions!

    Here are some videos for you:

    But remember the basic rule:

    'There is no spoon!'

  4. Start  reading all the available scientific evidence from the research literature from the links below.

    Some debunkers in their support of ignorance and superstition wish to not inform people of the evidence. This of course has damaged both their reputation (they have no standing in the scientific community) unlike the Parapsychological Association (link below) that has been an affiliate (via election by a vote of 6-1) of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (link below) since 1969 and science in general.

    "Those who have had the experiences but encounter the debunking attitudes of apparent “scientific authorities” are likely to conclude that science is a dogma and inapplicable to important aspects of their lives. Vallee (1990) has suggested that debunkers “are among the primary contributors to the rejection of science by the public” and are “contributing to the growth of irrational movements in modem society” (p. 21). Ironically, CSICOP’s activities will likely inhibit scientific research on the paranormal and might potentially foster an increased rejection of science generally. (link to full article below)

  5. Go back and put in the question "Have you ever seen a ghost?"(Don't submit it). Look below your question and you'll see "similar questions asked". You'll find a lot of personal experiences on there. Just keep reading the questions on this section and you'll learn a lot. They'll give out links too that you can go to. Glad you're here. Send us lots of questions...we don't get that many.

    edit...There aren't that many people on late at night...but evidently after I go to bed it perks up because there are always new questions in there in the morning.======

    EDIT...PSI EXPLORER..You are so full of good info...I cannot understand why you lost your badge...& so soon!! Can you tell us?Did some troll mess you up?


  6. Yeah, I can give you a psychic reading for free, I'll do it by making up some stuff that you'd like to hear........ that's how the professionals do it.

  7. There are many types of "gifts" and "tools" used in the psychic community.  I personally do have degrees with in the community.  Metaphysical science, parapsychology, telethisis,  and i can channel and am a master tarot reader.  but there are so many other types of tools which may better suit you to use.  i  would be happy to discuss these things.  i just started a new group powerofmindz.  I actually have my doctorate in metaphysical science and parapsychology.  I have been a psychic adviser for over 30 years.

  8. You need to read, read, read.You don't have to pass the tests on the Internet to be psychic.Those test are not made to prove your psychic ability ,their made to disprove it!If interested check out my website at

  9. Magical thinking can be entertaining, but, like astrology, it won't do anything for you.  Psychic powers don't exist.

    You want to bend a spoon?  Just pick one up and bend it.  That's all the other guys do.

  10. What I can tell you about psychic powers is that the more that people rave about it, the more glaring seems to be the lack of scientific evidence for it.  All there is so far are irreproducible, dubious and debated results from few experiments, anecdotal testimonies, bad video of magic tricks, and a whole lot of religious fervor. If psychic powers actually did exist, we'd have much much more than that by now. Do you want to bend a spoon? It's a well-known magic trick. Uri Geller never bent any spoon using his so-called psychic powers, nor has anyone else shown this ability.

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