
Any psychics out there? I need a question answered.?

by  |  earlier

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Today I quit my job at mcdonalds, I currently am filling in for someone at another job at a strawberry farm. I just want to know if i will be getting another job if i apply to multiple places. Not only that, but when am I going to get it and in what field is it going to be in. Im only 15 turing 16 Feb 2, any help would be great. I am also extremely money conscious and need all the money i can get as I have just quit my job at McDonalds because I HATED it there. and once my summer job ends i have no source of income. Please, a need an answer.




  1. I'm not a psychic but if you hate McDonalds why not just apply to another store? Should you really work while school starts?

    Those 4 years (high school) determine your future you can suffer for 4 years or an eternity at fast food jobs....

  2. We live life one day at a time.

    The law of averages states that...the more jobs you apply for..the greater your chance of obtaining employment....better stated: If you throw enough mud against the wall..some will stick.

    I would like to encourage you to continue your a field you enjoy...the more prepared you are for a job..the better your chance @ getting a good one.

    I would also like to encourage you to pray...and seek God's help in the direction your future should take....I have done so for many years, now...and have not been disappointed.

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