
Any psychics out there got an idea where Stacy Peterson is?

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Any psychics out there got an idea where Stacy Peterson is?




  1. Do you mean her body?????

  2. I'm sure shes passed on-like his other wives. How sad for the children and her family. But we all know, if she was alive, she would have contacted them by now, and the cops know it and just don't have enough to arrest him-the hubby

  3. Unfortunately we live in a world that despite efforts by shows like "America's Psychic Challenge" where if a psychic had credible information (and it turned something up) the psychic would be immediately charged and arrested as a suspect in the crime. Thus, most psychics would report anonymously and their "tips" would be checked out (and given the same consideration) as all the other "tip" phone calls.

    While a humorous show "Psyched" is based on the premise that even good police work makes one a suspect in an investigation.

    Also, while psychics do help law enforcement agencies they always do so under the radar and without credit.

    Such is our world.

  4. I knew a Stacy Peterson in high school.  She was dirrrrrrty.

  5. if pyschics were real, there would be no missing people. pyschics are cons artists

  6. I dont think she ran away. I do think there was foul play involved.

    I think that either her body was chopped up or something.. but I think that her husband hid her and isn't worried. He certainly doesnt act like it.

  7. yes she locked herself in the bathroom at the west side motel so she could eat a jumbo bag of sour cream chips, so no one would think she was a bit piggy. but, alas the lock has snapped and she is locked in. she is having her seventh hot bath by now and the extra soap bars are starting to look yummy.

  8. Nope! I do think you should consider that she may be hiding for a reason!!

  9. In Penn & Teller's "Bullsh*t" program, Polly Class's father said that NO psychic has ever solved a police case.  I've heard it elsewhere too.

  10. oh god yeah!

    it's me.

    ive had amnesia but now i remember who i am!

    thank you so much.

  11. I'm not psychic, but I can answer your question. She's probably in a ditch somewhere, dead, because I believe she ran away and was killed. Drew may have had something to do with it, but not direct murder. Anyway, if you're not family/friends, you should give them space and not concern yourself with it too much, police are working on it.

  12. nope

  13. LMAO @ "she a gurl who likes u"

    Silly kids these days. I remember watching news as early as 5. An adult could ask me questions about major events, political issues and even *cough* missing people....

    To answer the question, I'm sure if any of the real ones knew, they'd speak up by now. It's not something the real ones can turn and an off like a computer program.

  14. no

  15. she a gurl who likes u

  16. No, there isn't, they only have guesses. If you ask a number of psychics, you'll get a number of different answers. As far as working with the police, it would be easy enough for a self-professed psychic to deliver an anonymous tip to the police, thereby avoiding any unwanted suspicion or publicity focused on themselves. Have any psychics done this in any of these famous missing person cases? Perhaps. But if they have, none of these tips must have panned out because the persons are still missing. To date, we don't have any real evidence that people even have psychic powers. It's funny that some think that "America's Psychic Challenge" (a prime time network TV show of all things!) amounts to credible evidence.

  17. She is in hiding, when her simbatical is over she will surface again.  Also I am sensing a disturbance in the force.  Ohhh doesn't look good.

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