
Any psychics out there who want to try....?

by  |  earlier

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...and tell me something about myself...physically and spiritually? As in, describing me in appearance and if possible name, and then clueing me in on anything you pick up spiritually?

(Yes, maybe this is a test, but why not?) I'd love to see what results I get.




  1. I get confusion when I focus on you.  I see you as female.  Funny, I only get things when I don't want it.  I won't quit my day job.

  2. Salomon... Jacobs?

    ....I'd really have to see you in person.

  3. Mert or Mart is significant to you.

    Your color is green.

    You are into big zippers or chains, things with metal.

  4. In the bible God says "suffer not a witch to live" plain enough? God is the only all knowing one and to seek another lesser avenue is not His will for you. Psychics are real but in touch with the evil spirit world. Mess with them and your life could turn into a living h**l... God loves you and wants a relationship with you... seek Him.

  5. You are caucasious, have stubble on your face, and wear a black cap with flames around the edge.

    How did I do?

  6. Your name:  I'm feeling an S or a J.

    You're male, caucasian-ish.  Physically you aren't too bad, but you would like to be in better shape.  Spiritually, you have a general sense of well-being but you aren't completely fulfilled.  Although you are a good person, sometimes bad things happen to you.  You want to get more out of life.

    I'm not a psychic, but this is the sort of general stuff they say.

  7. You are a CIA angent working on yahoo answers posting ridiculous questions and you were a geeky hat.

  8. Sal

    Physically I do not know, it isn't relevant!

    Spiritually you feel raw, full of energy, fearless. What you are to be has yet to be decided as your fingers are in a few pies as you gather spiritual insight & personal knowledge.

    Not for now, but spiritually there lies a decision ahead that will place you on a firm pathway with this aspect of yourself.


  9. Psychics don't exist.

    Physically you are average height in your early 20s with dirty blond hair.   You wear skater shoes and lose fitting pants.  Spiritually you are looking for something worth believing in and you are looking for something that tells you that you aren't accountable for your actions.

  10. I KNOW I'm not psychic. I made a prediction last night that Archuleta would win Idol. Boy was I shocked!

    I don't think you'd want me guessing about your're inquisitive!

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