
Any quotes... READ?

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do you guys know any good scary reality type quotes???

you dont have to tell me who its by.

i just need a good one.





  1. &quot;I don&#039;t know how man will fight World War III, but I do know how they will fight World War IV; with sticks and stones.&quot; Albert Einstein

    It is often easier for our children to obtain a gun than it is to find a good school. - Joycelyn Elders

  2. The biggest disease today is not leprosy or tuberculosis, but rather the feeling of being unwanted.”

    May the grass grow at your door and the fox build his nest on your hearthstone.

    May the light fade from your eyes, so you never see what you love.

    May your own blood rise against you, and the sweetest drink you take be the bitterest cup of sorrow.

    May you die without benefit of clergy;

    May there be none to shed a tear at your grave, and may the hearthstone of h**l be your best bed forever.

  3. go to

  4. &quot;Nevermore, quoth the raven, nevermore !&quot;

    &quot;Is this a dagger I see before me ?, come let me touch thee, I have thee not, yet I see thee still...&quot;

    &quot;The headmaster wants to see you&quot;

    &quot;OOOH, that&#039;s going to cost you&quot; , (said with a sharp intake of breath, by every, car mechanic or repairman I ever met ).

    &quot;It&#039;s been lost in the post&quot;

    &quot;The cheque is in the post&quot;

    &quot;I have forgotten my wallet&quot;, (said by a companion who has just eaten the most expensive meal on the menu, and wants you to pay for it ! ), they never pay it back, so ask yourself, are they that good a friend ? or can you afford to pay any other bills, if you lose this money ? Then head for the exit, it is not your problem, tell them to call their Mummy or Daddy if they need help, because if you do not, you will be paying for their pleasures a lot, in future...if all else fails, with this type of &quot;friend&quot; then carry just enough cash to only pay your own bills, (keep the rest in a seperate wallet, hidden on your person, and do not tell any one about this, it helps if you do this anyway, if you are mugged by a thug with a knife, throw the wallet with the out of date credit cards, library cards and a little flash cash ( £5 notes, or Scottish £1 notes, or even rupees or shekels, ), toward them, and then run the other way, there are too many people in this world, who think that others should pay for their lifestyles, do not let them start, or there will be no end to this horror !!!

    &quot;These condoms, are only 98% effective,&quot; ( condom makers warning, on label ).

    &quot; I am late&quot;, ( said by more than a few women I know )....

    &quot; I am sorry, but we had to remove your left leg&quot;, ( actually said by a surgeon to a patient , after removing the wrong leg in an emergency, ( it should have been the right leg, ), and actually repeated recently , in a hospital, because the wrong leg had been marked for amputation, and the surgeon did not double check, in the West Midlands )

    &quot;We have to talk&quot; (every woman that &quot;dumps a man&quot;, says this one, when what she really means is, &quot;I want to dump you !&quot;

    &quot; It&#039;s not you , it&#039;s me ! &quot;  ( what women say, when they really mean &quot;It is you !&quot;),  usually, during a breakup.....

    &quot;I will call you ! &quot;,      (Translation ; &quot;I never will, because I really think you are  creepy, and I just want to get away from you&quot;) me on this one, you will never hear, or see her, again....

    Need I go on ?
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