
Any really bad embarrassing moments out there?

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i have had alot! so im just wondering if any of you guys have had any worse than mine.




  1. at a girl sleepover I fell asleep 1st, & they managed to take off my pj without waking me.  I woke up a couple hours later & most were still up.  They had a big laugh on me.  It took a while for me to find my pj.

  2. 4 of my bff took me out to eat for my 17th birthday. They said there was something special later.  We drove to a lovers lane type place which was pretty deserted as it was early but dark. I was in the back & they pulled me over the front seat

    holding my wrists pinned to the front seat cushion. I'm in "an L shape" & not able to move with 2 in front holding my wrists & 2 in back pinning my legs to the back of the seat.  They pull my dress as far up as possible (right under the armpit) & slide my halfslip & panties to my ankles.  I'm scared some else is going to pass by & see my bare bottom on display! They each give me some pretty firm whacks,  more than 17 I might add.  They took my panties & slip & gave them back @ the end of the evening.  I say getting bared & whacked in a public place counts as a bad embarrassing moment.

  3. Have you ever had to pull shoes out of mud?

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