
Any reasonable answers and help plz without being mean???

by  |  earlier

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my bf called me a few months ago from the US telling me that he wont be back coz he wanted to get a good job there and he is in the US with a visit visa only and never wants to come back, the las time he called me he told me that he is going to find a new american woman and marry her and told me that women there are so easy and cheap and then he closed his cell for good and i couldnt find anyway to contact him and find out why he hurt me without any reason. he already messed up my life and i just want to know how to get my revenge what shall i do?

by the way, he is out of status now and trying to gain citizenship by marrying an american which he will never love, he thinks that all american women will fall for him becoz he is arab he is already wanted for crime in his country and our government is not doing anything about it to stop him from hurting women and tricking them




  1. Forget him and move on.  

    Don't get involved with all this.

  2. He sounds like a total b*****d. If i were you i wouldn't waste my time thinking of him or devising ways of getting back at him for what he did. He's simply not worth it and am sure he'll get his payback in one way or another soon. Believe me.

  3. find a number for the FBI and report him as a criminal Arabian wanted in his home country, they would be all over him like white on rice.

  4. You need to contact ICE and tell them what you know. Make them aware that he is wanted for a crime in his country.

  5. We will not get involved in domestic disputes between jilted lovers, HOWEVER if he has what would be considered a felony in his country or ours ICE will investigate.

  6. Contact the nearest consulate and report him-he'll be back in no time

  7. He is not alone. We now have millions of scam artists in this country thanks to our liberal immigration and visa policies. Submit your former friends name via the Homeland Security website under the links for ICE.

  8. Find a way to report him to the government and say he's trying to get in.  Maybe they can do a background check on him or something.  That's a good way to get back at him.  I wish I could tell you how to go about doing something like this, but I don't know.

  9. You can move on with your life. This is only your word, unlike others I don't believe what people say without cold hard facts, you state you want "revenge", it could be you are just angry because he broke up with you. If he really is here illegally report him to ICE.

  10. American woman are easy and cheap, hahahahahahahaha is he in for a nice surprise i hope they will all run from this idiot and you too leave him but first report him and get his ugly @ss out of the states

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