
Any reasons to change school schedule?

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Ok, I was checking my schools online grading system to see my schedule for this year and I have a teacher that I really hate. at the end of last year I was asking my counselor to switch me into the AP class, and now I have my previous English teacher from last year. She hated me as much as I hated her. Now I need a reason to switch my schedule before school starts. I want to stay in the Ap class, but do you guys think that I could just email my counselor and just ask him to switch teachers?




  1. Honesty is the best policy./

  2. First you need to find out if there is another teacher who teaches AP-a lot of schools only have one teacher that does AP.  If there is another option, you can explain your concerns to the counselor, but sometimes there is nothing they can do because certain classes are only offered at certain times and in order to give you all the classes you want, you may have to take what you can get (or be willing to drop the AP or change an elective).  When you talk to your counselor about it, make sure you don't say you hate the teacher, say something more along the lines of "personality differences" or "educational styles didn't match" so it doesn't sound like you are whining or being childish.  If the counselor says no, then accept it gracefully and make the best of it and try to start the year out fresh and give the teacher a chance.

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