
Any recomendations for incorporating fashion with philanthropy?

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Any recomendations for incorporating fashion with philanthropy?




  1. Get a company to brand the animals with their logos in advertising.  I don't mean brand as in branding iron, I mean dress them up in their stuff or dye the fur.

  2. Bill Clinton donated his underwear to charity and took an income tax deduction (it's an unmentionable truth).

    Many celebraties donate the designer clothes to charities that sell them at auctions.

    I suppose that some fashion houses might donate overruns to charity.

  3. Have a fashion show. Charge money to watch, and donate the money.

    I like reporting spammers and point-gamers.


  4. Hello!

    Well, the most frequent would be to have a fashion show and charge the presenters percentage of their sales

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