
Any recomendations on child disipline. kids r 3 & 6. 6 yr old is very mouthy.?

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He once called his dad an idiot while he was talking to another adult.It was embarrising.they get in to everything first thing in the morning like tossing cereal all over the floor and wont pick it up.It seems like I yell all the time.No sleep at all.Youngest wont go to bed till around 1am and I work 2nd shift.Time outs do not work.Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.Please dont respond back saying Im a bad parent I love my kids.




  1. put pepper or hot sauce in his mouth when he misbehaves and when you put him in bed turn off all lights and tv and do not talk to him no matter what he will eventually start going to sleep earlier

  2. watch you language around your children. all the times. even in play. they take everything literally. I have a 2 step rule. first I say it nicely. Once I have to repeat myself I will spank. I only had to spank my daughter until she was about 5 then she learned to just listen. be consistent. don't promise punishment and not follow through. sometimes it just helps to talk to them eye to eye in a calm voice and explain what they are doing wrong, how their behavior is inappropriate and why you had to spank them. communication. no matter how young they can listen. my 2 year old knows if I pull him to the side to talk to him then I am really upset and he will calm down quick.

  3. take away toys they like the best and tell them a good attitude and politness can earn them back

    skip enjoyable activites (dessert, park, movies) and tell them its due to behavior

    maybe do nap time if they arnt sleeping

    talk to the 6 yo, that age they understand a bit

  4. I know some people are against it, but it sounds like your 6 year old needs a good spanking.  When talking and time outs dont work, then pain will.  My parents spanked me and I was a respectful well behaved child.  My step sons have been spanked and behave at our house.  They do not behave for their mother because all she does is yell and give time outs.  Give them limits and let them know what happens when they go ovet them.... after a few spankings they will shape up.

  5. spanking

  6. Children this young learn what goes on in the home.  Obviously your son learned how to call his father an idiot from the home.  Why aren't you up in the morning supervising their activites?  At this age 3-6 children need to be supervised and their actions monitored it's not their fault no one is there to get them cereal.  Time outs DO work but you have to use them consitently over and over and over and over.  You may love your children but you aren't giving them what they need.  They are not at fault if they are allowed the run of the house on their own.  They are too young to be responsible and are of course going to make messes...they are small children who have no supervision.

  7. you have to be firm and most of all consistent.  you must follow thru with punishments immediately-no exceptions.

    they will test you and if they find that they can get away with something then they will do it again and again.  i dont believe in spanking but i do believe in being firm and consistent.  

    do not spoil them with posessions either.  good luck

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