ok, i took in my cat about a 2 years ago. the family was moving, and the local shelters were soo full, they were basically told, if the cat comes here, it will be put down. with hearing this we took her in, since i have a huge love for cats, and always had them. (we are friends with their neighbor, so she brought us the cat) we asked her ?s about her health, is she spayed, shots, ect, but we were never told that she has a flea allergy problem. the next year, she broke out in welts, lost hair, weight, ect. so THANK GOD the old owners and I use the same vet, where he checked her out and told me of her known flea allergy. so we went through the treatment, and all was fine. This year i wanted to prevent what happend last summer, so i started the dog and cat on Frontline early, and have kept up on making sure the house was flea free (this is an indoor cat as well). Well, her last dose of Frontline Plus was July 14. Yest. i noticed she has a welt by her ear, and is loosing fur near her tail