
Any recommendations for movies that portray positive male role models?

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I'd especially be interested in any that show how someone can be strong and powerful without resorting to violence - like, strong in a Ghandi sorta way, and especially any that compare violence that we don't like (like DV; bullying and so on) with images of positive strength.

Anyone have any recommendations to make ?




  1. "Dances With Wolves" I've seen it like a MILLION times.

  2. Dr Who, uses his intellect to solve problems rather than brawn, it's not a movie though it's a TV series.

  3. To have success in a Ghandi fashion you need an opponent that respects you the way the british empire respected Ghandi and the indish. Iam sure there are enough movies, but I look at movies for entertainment, but seen as how women rid themselfs of their babby daddy thesedays (deevooorce WHEEEEEEE !!!) I can see how they need to get positive role models out of somewhere.

  4. Yes, it is called Billy Jack. I got lots of respect for Ghandi, but if everybody just decided to be a pacifist, there would be nobody around to punch out the bullies. We live in a world and culture full of bullies, so in my opinion, we need to raise our boys to emulate Billy Jack, who protected women and children and pacificst hippy dudes against nasty f---ing rednecks who didn't understand anything but a foot to the side of the head.

  5. There is this movie called "Ghandi".  Then there are books like "Brothers Karamzov" etc.

    Cassius, from where did you get the idea that Ghandi's stregth came from the "british empire respecting him"?

    I live in India.  Its an insult to all of us Indains and Ghandijee as well if you were to distort history like this.  The support of people of India was Ghandi's stregth and the Birtish knew they could not hold on to a country like India if the people of India were all against it.  

    If Ghandi was the leader of a smaller country, with lesser number of people, and if those people were not having an age old way-of-life and culture, he would have been asked to crawl on his belly through the streets and shot dead by the British.

  6. Borat Sagdiyev in "Borat" - an inspiration to us all.

  7. How about a film of Christ's life?

  8. 'The Cowboys' with John Wayne, It's a great film that I'll never forget. Seriously, it's not a gunslinging ultraviolence western.

  9. Good Will Hunting

    The Antoine Fisher Story

    Finding Forrestor

    Dead Poet Society

    All these movies show men mentoring young men to either break out of violent patterns and  or embrace their best qualities.

    Edit- two classics, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington and

    On the Water Front show how common everyday men can tackle the system and make a difference without resorting to violence.  

    The most comtemporary movie to show a good non-violent man making a difference is Local Hero.

  10. You jut described Aticus Finch from To Kill a Mocking Bird

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