
Any recommendations for the provision of care of the children below 3 years ??

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pls help me out, i have a long paper to write...... your comments will be appreciated. I need to find out more about what i can do to improve the childcare quality for children from birth to 3 yrs old..... tks. :)




  1. All good answers so far.

    Training, training, training!  Daycare teachers need ongoing training.  Even if they have been trained in a topic, what they have learned must be reinforced consistently.  For example, the state I live in requires all daycare workers who work with children under 3 be trained in SIDS, Shaken Baby Syndrome, and other such topics every year.  Another big training topic for teachers is how to communicate with the children's parents to meet the children's needs.  Parents and daycare workers don't often agree on what's best, but sometimes one or the other is afraid to talk about an issue, or just the opposite, the parent gets mad and immediately withdraws their child when a simple conversation could have solved the problem.

    Daily records are also very important!  The childcare provider should be recording everything that happens throughout the day - when a diaper is changed and what's in it or if diaper was checked and is dry; when baby was fed, how much was eaten, even how baby ate (babies with stuffy noses take longer to eat); medications, and so forth.  Another good idea is to have a space for parents to write down any care given prior to arrival at the daycare - last feeding and how much, what time woke up, how did baby sleep last night, etc.  Sometimes the baby's worker is not there when baby is dropped off, and the worker cannot rely on the person who was there to remember everything - daycares can be crazy in the morning!!

    These have already been listed, but I just want to restate:

    Consistency of care - very important, some daycares go so far as to assign a "primary caregiver," so say you have a group of 8 babies with two teachers, this teacher is PRIMARILY responsible for these 4 babies, and the other teacher, these 4.  Low turnover, creative scheduling, etc. can all help with consistency of care.

    Low ratios - NAEYC recommends no more than 4 babies for one caregiver, and no more than 8 babies to a group (with two caregivers, of course); however, most state licensing standards do not follow this guideline, and if a daycare center is not concerned about NAEYC standards, they will follow the state standards which will increase the fincial bottom line.  Really, what's more important, making more money and having stressed out teachers that quit and having parents withdraw their children or providing a better quality service which builds a good reputation and keeps your teachers happy?

    Review infant care plans often - babies' needs change often especially the younger they are.  These need to be reviewed and updated monthly at a minimum.  I would even go so far as to say that when solids are being introduced, perhaps even weekly reviews would be necessary.  Same thing if the baby is sick, is going through a growth spurt, big changes are happening at home (a move, grandma comes to visit, daddy on business trip).

    Clean, clean, clean - daycares should be kept clean, even things that you don't routinely think of need to be taken care of often.  For example, when's the last time you have lifted up the pad on the diaper changing table and cleaned that?  How about the underside of the high chair tray or the legs of the high chair?  Things like this should be done routinely.  Same with washing babies' hands after diaper changing.  The state I live in requires all babies have their hands washed after a diaper change in addition to the caregiver.

  2. There are important issues in Infant and Toddler care that go beyond health and safety . The first is continuity of care. Babies need the same primary caregiver for as long as possible. This means that good programs have a low staff turnover and do not move babies from room to room just because of their age or to make room for another child.The best model is that the same adults stay with a group of infants until they move into the preschool program, with additional children added to the group as the ratio increases.

         The second is that the adults understand child development and are responsive to the baby's needs. The focus should be on the individual child, not some prepackaged curriculum.

         The ratio of children to adults is also important. Ideally, there are no more than 3 babies under 18mo. per adult and no more than 5 toddlers-18 mo to 3.

  3. Safety is the number one priority.  The child's safety is always the main concern.

    Providing fundamental needs adequately (such as food, sleep, shelter).

    Interactiions with the child to improve social and and emotional stimulation as well as physical comfort.

    Providing activities and experiences catering to the seven developmental domains (such as gross motor skills, cognitive activities etc.) to provide the child with opportunities to develop all areas.  (Im assuming you know the 7 developmental domains).

    These are basically the 3 main things which can help improve childcare quality.

  4. hey u jus confirm that u maintain the cleanliness in child`s environment.

    and  on regular intervals feed the baby, ands dont let ur baby goes into hand of any one like ur neighbours,untill and unless make sure they wash their hands

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