
Any recommendations for what to pack for the Outback??

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I will be in the Outback for 3 days in Feb '09. I know that the evenings can get cool and that I will need to pack some warmer clothes. (As a Canadian I know how to dress warmly, however I doubt it will get that extreme!) For those of you who have been to the Outback, what sort of things would you recommend I pack? Keep in mind that I am trying to pack lightly as I am in the country for a month. Thanks in advance!




  1. It will be Summer, and not cold at all.  Average minima in Alice Springs (the centre of the country) are 20 degrees.  Maxima are 35 degrees.  Dressing cool, sun protection and avoiding heatstroke and dehydration will be your main issues.

  2. To be truthful I would suggest that you travel in a group with a guide. Australian is a beautiful country but has dangers that can take you by surprise when you least expect it. I was born and bred here and I wouldn't dare venture into the outback without someone experienced. Check the following website for more info:


  3. Take a good shady hat and decent shoes or boots as some of the tracks can be a bit rough. Apart from those essentials, take shorts and light tops - it will get very hot during the day. In Feb, the temperature will be comfortable at night and I doubt if you'll even need a light jacket for the evenings; certainly nothing heavier. Take plenty of high SPF sunscreen and reapply it frequently.

  4. itll be really hot during the day and freezing at night!

    but the further inland you go the more extreme the temperatures will be.

    even though its summer, the nights are still cold in the bush

    maybe pack some thermals for night because theyre light weight, and a warm jacket

    for the day shorts and teeshirts with lots of sunscreen and hat, sunnies

    and good shoes like proper walking shoes or runners

    have fun the bush is beautiful

  5. My Dad lives in Alice Springs (smack dab in the middle of the country) and when I've visited in Feb, the most I've needed was a hoodie or light jacket.

    For the day I'd bring plenty of pairs of sunglasses, a hat or two, and some sunscreen (which you should use whether you're in the Outback or not).

    I'm not sure what you're going to be doing on your excursion, but I'd suggest bringing a pair of comfy shoes that you'd hike in since tours tend to include Ayers Rock, Kings Canyon, and other travels through the bush.

    Best of luck!

  6. Aeroguard,,sun screen and lots of water !

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