
Any recommendations on killing terminates?

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Any recommendations on killing terminates?




  1. I dont know but if you find out how to kill teamates, let me know, that could be valuable information.

    Edited to Andy:  are you sure 00 is appropriate? I am thinking something smaller like 6 or even 7 1/2, more shot per load and termites are not really all that large. I think you might kill more per shot and it would be a bit easier onthe walls. Still hard on the sheetrock but might spare the studs and siding.

    Later: ahh ok, that makes sense, and I am sure the added ventilation is a bonus. I have never actually seen a termite, we dont have 'em. One more advantage to living in a cold climate.

  2. Here in Texas we use a 12 guage with OO buckshot.Hard on the walls but it gets those pesky suckers every time! If you find a better way let me know because my wife is complaining about the noise and the holes in the wall letting in to much dust.You'd think she would be happy about getting rid of the bugs! Some people are just so hard to please.

    Bob try the 12 guage on your gophers.It works great on all kinds of varmints

    edit to Rango...Your absolutely right! Sometimes it sucks to live in Texas.I tried using dove and quail loads but i caught to much flank over using those little loads.In Texas your expected to use overkill.Besides i'm thinking that really big hole would be a nice spot for a picture window.

  3. stomp on em!!!!!

  4. Call the Orkin man.  Or Delk pest control.

    Got any tips on gophers?  I've been locked in mortal combat with the gopher from h**l who took up residence in my front lawn three years ago.  I'm pretty sure I'm battling at least seven generations spawned by this demon with incisors at this point.

    I tried the "bombs" with the fuse that you lite and stick in the gopher hole, then cover it up.  Not only didn't it kill 'im, it pissed him off.  The last 1/3 of it was laying on the ground outside the hole the next morning, and six turnips turned up missing in the garden.

    We got a cat to help, be he's gone missing as well.

    I'm expecting a ransom note...

  5. you spelled 'termites' wrong? hah!

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