
Any recommendations on the best formula for baby?

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I would like to know what kind of formula, if you are bottle feeding, that you like the best. I need some recommendations please




  1. I use the wal-mart brand of enfamil gentlease. The kind I use is called Parent's Choice Gentle. I like it because my baby is young and the proteins in this formula are already partially broken down and easier to digest. It has helped resolve his constipation issues (which is common for formula fed babies.) Also, don't be worried to buy the off brand. Infant formula is HIGHLY regulated by the FDA and therefore all formulas (off brand or not) must meet the same nutritional and health guidelines, and if you compare the labels, the ingredients are the same. My pediatrician even said not to bother buying the name brand. The reason the off brand is so cheap is because wherever you buy it from can manufacture the formula and sell it directly to the consumer (this avoids the costs of having to pay enfamil or similac or other formula companies......which is why their brands are more expensive. The store has to make up the added cost of paying the other manufacturer to sell their product.)

  2. I use cow & gate. My baby loves it!!!

  3. I use Similac Advanced. My son loves it

    I started him on Enfamil Lipil, but that just made him so gassy... so i switched to similac and never had a problem :-)

  4. I use Enfamil Gentlease, but that's because my doctor recommended it for my baby.  Check with your baby's doctor!

  5. the hospital will normally start the baby on enfamil lipil or good starts if you are on wic..we stayed on the enfamil until 2 months.they we made a switch to enfamil gentlease due to gas ( against the doctors orders) ..if the baby is gaining weight they will tell you not to switch) son started having poopies 4 or more times a day..the doctor said that was fine after he took a stool sample, and suggested not to i switched to soy, just to help the diarrhea.. 2 weeks later he was constipated so now making the switch back to the gentlease but walmart play it by ear..if something seems wrong to you don't be afraid to make a graduale switch..make sure you sign up online with every formula maker so they will sent you coupons!! good luck  

  6. I used the Enfimil Prosobee, which is for lacto babies, it all depends on how your baby reacts to the formula, every baby is different.

  7. Good Start was my initially my formula of choice for a few reasons.  My babies both tolerated it really well, it is reasonably priced, not the priciest, not the cheapest, they make a formula to support immune system and Nestle would send me tons of coupons which didn't hurt a bit.  However I stumbled upon Baby's Only formula at Whole Foods and realized that ounce per ounce it costs less than Nestle (1 small approx 12oz can costs $10 vs one large approx 24oz can of Nestle costs $25 at my grocery store which is way cheaper than the other places around here BTW) and it's organic and my baby really loved the taste of it.  The only down side is that you have to order a scoop in the mail- they have this thing about putting plastic scoops in their cans with the formula- I think it's a little paranoid but whatever it's good formula and when you order the scoop it's free and they send you 3 of them.  And the formula does not have any DHA in it so you have to supplement that. For me that was no problem since I work for a company that makes DHA supplements!  But they are not that expensive anyway.

  8. i use the purple can at target which is the same as enfamil gentleease.  It's a lot cheaper and about 8 bucks a can cheaper.  I tried all sorts of formula and this was the only one that he didn't spit up with or have horrible gas.

  9. Anything with Omega 3 in it, its for brain development.  All gold formulas have omega 3 within it, try one of them

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