
Any relation found between the bible's "Solomon's Temple" and the egyptian Temple of Solarmen?

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Solomon vs Solarmen?




  1. I would dare to say nothing being that Egypt is a multi God nation. and the Temple had to and was built on Holy Ground.

  2. I doubt it. Solarmen is obviously a latin word that sounds like Solomon in English. The Ancient Egyptian language is nothing like Latin.

    Also, it would depend on the dynasty that built it.

    I am leaving out Christian influences. I am educated in Biblical Archeology because it relates to Ancient Egypt. The word Solarmen is Latin. Solar being the tip off. The suffix of Solarmen does not indicate Egyptian. Typically, if it were Egyptian it would be spelled Solaramun. I find it even more difficult to believe the word Solarmen is Egyptian because the god of the Sun was called Ra or Amun-Ra. Seeing as how Solarmen bears no relation to the Egyptian language I seriously doubt it. The word is Latin.

    Just so you know, I'm not a conventional thinker so I'm not just repeating what textbooks have told me.

    edit: Ok Thank you.

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