
Any remedies to stop bleeding?

by  |  earlier

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My ex-husband, a chronic alcoholic who I have been caring for, has been diagnosed with liver failure and has been bleeding for weeks from his lips. The bleeding became so severe he passed out from blood loss a week ago and had to be rushed to hospital by ambulance. He has been in hospital ever since. The doctors say he has no clotting factors left and have tried numerous things to try and stop the bleeding. He is on Vit K tablets and along with this, and a number of other things they have tried, they have managed to slow it down but so far it still can't be stopped. They have said if they can't stop it, they will just have to send him home and he will eventually die. When they bleed, he can lose up to 100mls an hour. He had been given a few weeks to a few months to live just prior to this, but obviously with this sort of blood loss this time will be shortened even more if the bleeding continues. Aside from this is extremely distressing for him - aside from getting blood all over him and just about everything he touches, it gets into his food and anything he drinks. It's absolutely awful and I'd hate to see him die this way.

Does anyone know of any herbal, homeopathic or other natural remedies that can stop bleeding? It seems crazy that someone can die from bleeding to death from their lips!!




  1. There is no homeopathic or "natural" treatment that will help with this type of spontaneous hemmorhage.  There are some ridiculously naive and ignorant answers already. Please ignore them.

    One of the livers many roles is to manufacture some of the proteins needed in the clotting cascade. Vitamin K is vital.  It is also "natural". It sounds like everything that can be done is being done.  He needs a liver transplant, but I suspect he is too ill.  Unfortunately there is only so much that can be done for people with hepatic failure.

  2. I know that if you're ever lost in the forest and you're bleeding, you can put moss on it and that works pretty well.. although I don't know if he wants a mouth full of moss.

  3. The following homeopathic medicines may be of help going b y bleeding from any orifices. :

    1. Hamamelis 30

    2. Millefolium 30

    3. Ficus Indica.

    For Haemophelia add one of the following medicines

    lachesis 200,  phosphorus 30  crotalus .horrendus 30   secale corrosivus. 30

        Since he is a chronic alcoholic he should be given few many doses of Nux Vomica to correct the ill effects of alcochols.   At least three doses of Nux Vomica 30 before the start of other medications.  This may even stop the bleeding.   Since the bleeding is from the lips a few doses of Arsenicum Album can be of value.    Check the other symptoms before use of medicines.  Medicines have to be administered under instructions of doctor.   Above is only information.   Arsenic Album can also reduce the burning and the pain in his stomach which you have not alluded to.

    With best wishes.

  4. Hot pepper clots blood. Tabasco is the best because caps you get from health food store is too hot. I would mix many splashes of Tabasco in water and keep spoon in it to stir every time you stir it. This will help instantly and you might have to apply with a napkin. WARNING: It burns like h**l for ten seconds,but the it numbs the nerve and stops the pain.  

    I'm a wallpaper hanger and used to cut my fingers a lot. I would keep Tabasco in my work box for cuts. So Tabasco will help to stop bleeding,but if the source of the bleeding is really bad it might not completely stop it,but it will help. You can also drink it and it might help his lips from inside as well as topically.

    I would also take 3 grams of spirulina a day as it helps to make new red blood cells and Vitamin c is very very important as it help iron abosrb. I would also make sure he either gets a good source of red meat every day and/or vegatables with vitamin c. ONLY 500 mgs a day of Esther c with bioflavanoids are needed as this is combined with calcium for longer absorption.

    Send me a message with any other questions. Goos luck.

    Edit: Skep doc: IS CLUELESS!

  5. I can offer my own experience, especially since your husband's doctors have exhausted their resources.

    Homeopathy has made a difference in similarly serious conditions. You might understand that his is not a self-help problem, and your husband would need to see a homeopath. Separate from his liver failing - while related problems - I hear you're looking for a way to stop the bleeding. Two dozen or so homeopathic remedies have cured that symptom, albeit in the context of constitutional care. Minimally, homeopathy will, to the extent possible, restore balance and peace in his body, easing - if his doctors are correct - his transition towards death.

    In the event you do not have immediate access to a homeopath certified in classical homeopathy, given the accelerated prognosis of death, I can provide the name of an over-the-counter self-help remedy that, if the symptoms match, might slow the bleeding. Understand that my recommendation and ideal, however, are that he consult with a homeopath as soon as possible.

    The name of the remedy is Arum triphyllum. For it to be indicated, the corners of the mouth are usually cracked, and this is where the bleeding originates. If he additionally bites his lips or picks at them, contributing to bleeding, he might experience temporary help from arum-t.

    Truly, though, he needs to be seen by a homeopath. There are too many factors I would need to know in order to recommend a remedy. At the same time, on numerous occasions homeopathy has promptly stopped bleeding, with both my clients and family. In fact, just last night, a remedy stopped blood from spurting from a serious head injury my son-in-law sustained in soccer. We gave the remedy on the way to urgent care, when he received staples.

    My best to you both.

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