
Any reviews of the Baby Bjorn Synergy carrier please?

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I'm looking at buying the Baby Bjorn Synergy in black, it seems to do just about everything!

After spending £50 on a sling we were unhappy with last time round I'd love to get it right this time!

Anyone already have this baby carrier? Any reviews or advice? Pros and cons of this particular model?





  1. Baby Bjorns can be really uncomfortable for larger babies as the straps arent very wide and the design isnt all that great. I think you would be much better off with a soft Mei Tai carrier- like the BabyHawk or a Snugbaby (which I still use to carry m 15 month old everywhere in) Hope that helps :)

  2. I loved our baby bjourn, I'm not familiar with the synergy kind in particular.  Out son absolutely loved being in the baby bjourn!  The only problem with this carrier is, when they get a little bigger (say 15+ lbs), it's really painful on your shoulders to carry them around, especially if they fall asleep.  All their weight rests on your shoulders.  Maybe look for something that instead puts the weight on your hips.  

    Here are carriers that I'm looking into for my 14 month old (they can be used from birth to age 3!)

    beco baby (

    ergo (

    mei tai carrier (

    moby wrap (

    All these can be used in various positions (baby facing your chest, some face out (ergo doesn't), back carry, hip carry, intrigued really intreguied with the mei tai in particular, and if you're crafty you can make one yourself!  They fold up and you can put them in your diaper bag even, same as the moby wrap (which can be made even more easily with 5 yards of stretchy fabric).  

    good luck!!

  3. Just went to the Baby Bjorn website.  The Synergy looks great.  We have the BB Active carrier.  We just got back from a small vacation where we hiked w/our little guy in the carrier.  It's great.  The only problem was our LO has VERY sensitive skin and he got rashy from the heat and rubbing against the carrier (legs and face ... he was sucking on the carrier when he faced forward).  I don't know if the synergy is "built" for more activity, but it looks like the material would be more breathable for something like this.  Also, it said you can breastfeed while he/she is in it.  That would be great too!  All in all, I think it's a great product and with what the synergy offers; I wish I had known about it!  Enjoy.  

    By the way, we bought an expensive sling, too, and our little guy hated it...stick w/ the bjorn!

  4. i'm not familiar with this particular baby bjorn but i had a look at some pictures and it looks really comfortable. we used the baby bjorn original carrier and it was great. it gave you loads of support and we used it for hours at a time. my baby grew out of it quickly and by 3 months he was too heavy for it which was a shame because it was a really good carrier.

    looking at the pictures of synergy it looks like it gives your back loads more support than the original carrier so i'd say go for it.  

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