
Any rugby players out there?!!?

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I am a girl and I play rugby. not a lot of ppl out there know about tell me why u LOVE rugby like me!! :D RUGBY"S THE BEST THING OUT THERE!! Nuthing's better than pulling ******'s hair and clawing their faces..hehe and it's totally okay. :P




  1. I agree- and you can have a few drinks with the other team afterwards! That is why it is popular- the nastiness is on the pitch (a bit like gladiators) and other players are respected (or you might get a clout) and everything can chat about it after the game.

  2. Yeah girl! I play too, three years now but I'm taking a season off since I blew out my knee hooking (inexperienced prop collapsed during a scrum and trapped my knee, it hurt like nothing in this world). Although I have to say I've never clawed a girl's face or pulled out hair, it's dangerous play for a game that's already has enough aggression.

  3. This are my priorities in life



    and breathing

  4. Rugby is the next best thing after father xmas. I really enjoyed my rugby and the best thing about it was that I got paid to do something I loved. I don't play rugby on a professional level any more but I do still enjoy throwing the ball around every now and then.

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