
Any school psychologists want to describe their career (I'm interested in becoming a school psych)?

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I'm considering going for a masters in school psychology, and was wondering if any of you practicing folks could describe your typical duties, and if you recommend it as a good career? What are some positives/negatives? What skills and training do you need?

My bachelors was in the fine arts, so should I take some prereqs in psychology?

If you could recommend a college program too that would be great.




  1. While I'm not a school psych, I do know several. One works with the county preschool program.  His job is to evaluate children for developmental disabilities and prepare information for their IEP meetings.  He visits the preschool programs and interacts with the children, advising staff on various ways to incorporate and achieve IEP goals.

    One works with Jr High and High school CTE programs (center for theraputic education- seriously emotionally disturbed)

    He runs group in each class he services several times a week, in my class it's 3 times a week for 1-2 hours each.  He also provides additional counseling for students when needed. He is available for consult by staff when issues with a student arise.  He also meets with staff regularly to discuss students, advise on ideas to help students meet goals and overcome problems.  He is in charge of testing and writing psych reports for IEP meetings, as well as attending IEP meetings.  While he sometimes gets burried in paperwork, he absolutely loves his job now.  He gets to build relationships with the kids and staff, and can see his efforts paying off in the success of the students.  It's a very difficult but rewarding position for him.

    The last school psych I know is a typical elementary school psych.  As far as I've been able to tell, he's simply one to test/screen and observe for issues when called upon by staff or parents.   He also prepares reports/advises staff on IEP objectives.

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