
Any school sandwich idea's for schools that don't allow nut products?

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Other than cheese, jam and lunch meat what are some other options.





    I work at a number of elementary schools in our district as a noon assistant. I have seen a variety of dinner left overs come in. Meatball subs to hamburger helper deals. Just make sure your child is willing to eat the item cold. They aren't usually allowed to heat the items up at school. So use a thermos or something similar that will retain heat. Another idea that is great for the lunch box to keep things COLD is to freeze a capri sun and pop it in the lunch bag first thing in the morning. It serves a dual purpose for keeping something like *egg salad* cold and also the capri sun is cold enough to drink like a slushie.

  2. why limit it to sandwiches?  there are so many things to offer your child that encompass all of the food groups.  have your child help with shopping and meal prep.

  3. salad. honey, roast beef, vegemite , lettuce and cheese, tomatoe and cheese, Hommus, chutney and cheese, ham and chutney

  4. Egg salad, tomato (put the tomato slices in a separate baggie so the bread doesn't go soggy), leftover sliced meatloaf, leftover roast turkey slices with cranberry could also skip the sandwich thing and send soup or pasta, too.

  5. Sandwich wraps with cream cheese, sliced meat, etc. Soups, salads, dips with veggies, pretzels,chips,etc.

  6. My 3rd grade daughter has some rather grown up tastes in food, but these are just a few things we've done...

    Salads, lots of veggies, strips of ham and a cookie of course

    Get a Thermos. Put boiling water in it for 5 min. Dump it out and put in overly warm soup, chili, ravioli, Spaghetti-O's etc. My daughter always says it's warm when she eats it 5 1/2-6 hrs later. Don't forget to send him with a spoon!

    Cheese and crackers

    Soy nut butter sandwiches

    Make wraps instead of "regular" sandwiches. We've done lettuce wraps with left over stir fry, She just has to wrap it herself at lunch

    Cold, left over pizza (I always loved it as a kid)

    And her favorite... I don't send her with a lunch and surprise her by dropping off Subway to school 1/2 before lunch. It only happens a few times a year, but she feels so special when it happens.

  7. Does not have to be a sandwich.  You can do pasta salad, egg salad, leftovers from last nights dinner.  I always LOVED cold pizza (more than hot!)  You can fill a thermos with soup, mac and cheese, or ramen noodles.

  8. Slice some pine apples with caramel.  How about marsh mellows and chocolate fudge.

  9. chicken breast sandwich with lettuce and tomatos. or left over pizza or a salami and cheese sandwich

  10. Other folks were giving you great ideas, but remember that the egg salad may be unsafe unless there is a way to keep it cold.

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