
Any school teacher willing to be interviewed for my 10th grade career project?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a sophomore in High School. And we've been assigned to do a career project, and I chose to do it on teaching. In order to complete my project I need to interview a teacher. The questions are simple and shouldn't take long. I really need to interview someone to keep my A and pass my English class. I would really appreciate this. Thank you.




  1. You are more that welcome to interview me... Only be e-mail though. I allow other users to contact me via e-mail... Just check out my profile.

    I will answer them ASAP.

  2. Hey hon..I love this stuff..I used to teach 6-7-8 grade language arts, and now I teach an Introduction to Education course at my local community college.  I love education and think I can really help you.  Email me through here and we'll go from there.

  3. Yeah, email me.

  4. yeah email me I am an 8th and 7th grade science teacher

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