
Any scientific community planning against GLOBAL COOLING?

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Seems a solid progam is speedily being put in place to combat global warming, Bombs are being readied in case a meteriod threatens us and if severe drought continues scientist can seed the clouds but I'm wondering since we know greenhouse gases has caused our present global warming could scientist on short notice create enough greenhouse gasses to protect us from global cooling? I don't see need for overeaction but I keep hearing record cold documentation. However we can take some comfort knowing we're in good hands because scientist know how all this mess was blown into existence 14.7 billion years ago so maybe they could construct greenhouse gas generators...james the hollow earth man




  1. I think that if we needed to rapidly warm the planet we should just keep driving.

  2. I can remember, we supposedly did have global cooling in the 1970's.  Of course, man was solely to blame and the polar bears were threatened with doom.  But somehow, we all survived by doing what we are supposed to be doing now. Interesting that we are supposed to fight global warming and cooling in the same ways.

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