
Any severe "teeth grinders" out there?

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I just randomly thought of this so i figured i would ask and see if there are any other people who might severely grind their teeth as well.

I've grinded my teeth for years (i'm 26 now) but apparently it's so loud- that it can even wake other people up.. down the hall, with their doors closed! The thing is, I have no idea i'm doing it!

I have a mouth guard thing, but I rarely wear it. I just don't think of it, or remember to put it in before I go to bed.

I just wonder why some people do this, and some don't? And, why do we? I think the real word for it is called "Bruxism."




  1. i tend to grind my teeth when im stressed or day dreaming :( omg i hate it so much!!!!!

    i've been doing it for years sighs  

  2. I'm 26 too and I grind my teeth! Somtimes SO bad that I have Night mares about my teeth falling out or something really horrible happening to my mouth!! I had a night guard, probably wore it for about 2 days LOL.. it sucked! So i just deal with it...

    I know one cause could be stress! But cant avoid that!

    Take Care! =)

  3. yes. i'm a teeth grinder as well. my dad is a very light sleeper and he can't stand it. he sleeps all the way down the hall, in the den, by the kitchen. we're practically across the house from each other and it keeps him awake. i didn't know we could get mouth guards for that. and i usually know when i do it because my mouth and jaw hurts when i wake up. i had actually stopped doing it so much, but these past few days, i've been doing it. i don't know why we do it. i wish i could solve the problem.


  4. It's mostly likely just a physiological problem like chewing on your hair or your fingernails, and the origin of the word is from greek. Try putting it next to your bed or writing a note on your pillows if you continue doing it you're going to have major problems with your teeth/jaw in a decade or so.

  5. I didn't realize I grinded my teeth until my dentist told me.  I wouldn't say I'm as loud and severe as you, though!  I also bought a mouth guard, but I'd wake up and it would be under my pillow or

  6. I do and mine was due to anti depressants and anxiety so I do it at night.

  7. Um, drink more milk. It helped me

  8. It often happens when you're stressed out or nervous, but ya i grind my teeth every night and i wake up with headaches.  Still waiting for a mouthguard.

  9. Yes, yes, and oh yes!!  You need to know that, although it's annoying to others, it's very dangerous to you.  I am 46 and do not have a single tooth in my mouth that grew there.  The simple side effects are pain in your jaw, neck, ears, and headaches.  The complicated ones are compression fractures.  They basically destroy your teeth from the inside out, like crumbling concrete.  You NEED to wear the guard if you have it!!  

  10. I used to be EXACTLY the way you are. My room was all the way down the hall, yet my parents said they could hear me grinding my four rooms over. I don't know how that's possible, but I got many complaints.

    I know this isn't a very informative answer, but I don't know why we do it. I just grew out of it about a year or two ago, after severely grinding my teeth for about 8 years.

  11. Yes yes yes,

    It doesn't bother me too much anymore. but I am constantly doing it. My teeth are always clenched.  

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