
Any short women (5'2" or so) here ever drive a Goldwing? If so, was it too big for comfort on long rides?

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Even a goldwing trike.

I'm just wondering if it could be compatible with a short woman. Issues like having to hunch over to reach the handlebars, etc. Not worried about how hard it is to hold the bike up.




  1. I'm a 61 yo guy, but I'm gonna answer anyhow!  I'd find another ride.  It might be ok in the comfort area, a trike certainly would not be a problem...but a bike, i'd worry about the risk.  Too heavy to pick up in a laydown, can you reach the controls safely, can you get your feet (both of 'em) down, etc.  I've put 400 miles a day on my 95 Virago 1100 on some trips with only some numbbutt, and that was with the stock aftermarket seat and better shocks would probably help that a lot.

    --Ride safe!

  2. Get a Jimmy Hendrix album and crank it up. song title "Are You Experinced" Or, Have butt will travel.

  3. fit handle bars that you can reach.......  no longer a problem..

    not sure how too big can relate to comfort,

    fit a sheep skin cover on the seat..  nice & soft..

    windscreen keeps the wind & rain off...

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