
Any similarities, Today's Miguel Cotto vs Floyd Mayweather and the 1980's Roberto Duran vs Sugar Ray Leonard?

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Doesn't it resembles it now days?




  1. Sort of....

  2. As far as styles go, I would say no - Cotto does not fight like Duran, and Mayweather does not fight like Sugar Ray.

    As far as significance, I would say it is similar - probably to two top guys in the world, both at a good weight.  Mayweather is the cross-over superstar like Leonard was, Cotto, like Duran, is all business (boxing).  Both guys are extremely dedicated and focused, neither ever comes in unprepared.

    If it ever happens, and I think it will, it will be an excellent fight - Cotto is techincally skilled enough to overcome the distance in speed, and impose some of his strengths on Floyd, thats the difference between him and the other pressure fighters Mayweather has faced.

  3. in a way the concept is the same, tehcnical fighter versus warrior,there are similarities.

  4. I would have to say it is way too soon to compare cotto with duran.  duran is in a ton of boxing experts top ten ever...cotto as of now is hard pressed to be in anyones top 100 ever.  

    I enjoy watching cotto, but beating judah who could have been a great fighter but is way too inconsistent...and mosely who was at least 10 years past his prime isnt all too impressive.  even in a hypothetical situation I cant even think of comparing cotto and duran...

  5. I think It will be more like Ali vs Frazier

  6. It amazes me, the farther back in history you reach, the more talented the fighters become. Nastalgia adds alot to a fighters actual ability. Blog and I are going to disagree on some base points here.

    One, Marvin Hagler isnt in this list because he was never a welter, he fought at middle.

    Two, I am not exactly going to agree that the "boys from yesteryears" would annihilate the boxers today. Thats boyhood nastalgia talking.

    I dont think Tommy Hearns would clean the floor with Antonio Margarito. If anything Hearns may be in the war of his life. Please keep in mind, Hearns' most memorable fights, he lost.

    I dont think Sugar Ray Leonard's talent surpassed that of Floyd Mayweather. I think his PHYSICAL ABILITY did, no question. But so far as in ring knowledge and execution, no way, Floyd dwarfs him. Keep in mind, I boxed in his ring when Ray was in his heyday (and I was a youngun). Anyone who knows Ray on any personal level, would tell you how much he hates to get hit in the face. If he had Floyds ability to stand a half a foot in front of you and not get hit, trust me he wouldnt have had his retina detached.

    I dont think we even are AWARE of how talented Cotto is yet, because frankly fight by fight his talent jumps by leaps and bounds. He hasnt had a problem with his chin since changing weight...and honestly I could make the arguement that he would drop Duran, and horribly. People are not taking into account that Cotto IS the biggest puncher the division has seen...AND a combo puncher at that. Keep in mind how his opponents end up looking, like they were beat up by a gang. Plus he has lowered his work rate and is doing his shooting sparingly..which should tell you just how hard he hits.

    So in all honesty, it would depend who you matched up from each era. Could Margarito survive Sugar Ray Leonard? Not likely....but remember Ray Leonard also ran from Aaron he wasnt invincible and he picked his battles as well.

    So, no not really I dont see the simliarities. Cotto is beginning to establish himself as a world class fighter. He doesnt duck fights..he finds ways to win...and he carries his championship with respect. Duran was a wild card, and lost his second fight to Leonard primarily because he was out partying and drinking too much before the rematch.

    Other than both of them being fast, and black, that is where the similarities end with Floyd and Sugar Ray Leonard. Sugar Ray fought EVERYONE, Floyd fights no one.

  7. The only parallels that I see is that in each era the welterweight division was stacked with talent.  Believe me Cotto and Mayweather aren't even close to the fighters that Leonard and Duran were.  When Floyd can compete with the likes of Kelly Pavlik or Hopkins you can compare him to Duran and Leonard.  Duran went from 135 and won titles as high as 168, Ray took it to 175.  Floyd has ducked serious competition at 147, no comparison.  Duran and Leonard clearly were far superior in their accomplishment's than Floyd or Cotto.  Cotto is clearly comfortable at welter weight, if he moved up to people like Winky Wright, Jermain Taylor or Pavlik, how well do you think he would fair.

    Margarito, Clottey, Quintana, Williams and Cotto are very talented, and in Leonard and Duran's day you had guys like Hearns, Hagler, Benitez and Mugambi, so in that regard there are similarities between the welterweight division of both eras.   But there are no real similarities between Cotto/Mayweather and Leonard/Duran, two different talent levels, two different mind sets.  The old timers would have dominated today's fighter's on pure grit even if you could some how try to argue Floyd's skill level was close to Ray's or Cotto's toughness matched Duran's, I don't think you could do so successfully.  Mayweather doesn't' have the ability to fight on a world class level at middle weight, Duran was a world champion at both 160 and 168.  No comparison.  Could Cotto have fared any better against the Hearns right hand than Roberto did?  I don't think so, and Hagler would have walked right thru Floyd's pitty pat jabs and chased Mayweather right out of the ring.  

    My answer is no, the two pairs do not resemble each other at all.  Division's loaded with talent, yes, but a similarity between the two rival's, I don't see it.

  8. Yeah i can see where your coming from the boxer vs the fighter, Duran & Cotto 2 hard as nail fighters, Leornard & Mayweather 2 boxing experts,

    I don't think Mayweather can avoid Cotto for much longer as the public will call out for this fight so it's bound to happen sooner rather than later,

  9. In many ways it does, even though Duran was a harder hitter thna cotto, mayweather is a smaller and much more defensive version of leonard, and i think that if he ever faced cotto it would be great fight, however cotto right now is not experienced like Duran was when he fought leonard moreover duran would have lost the first fight if leonard hadn't been foolish enough to go flat footed against him (trading punches), most of the time a great boxer beats a great brawler.

  10. Yes, the similarities are very remarkable.  The styles of Leonard/Duran and Mayweather/ Cotto respectively are pretty close.  Keep this in mind though:  Leonard possessed far superior punching power than Floyd does (especially considering his fragile hands).  Cotto is a beast, but he is not a hard target to find in the ring.  He can be hit with clean punches and this has almost cost him dearly in the past.  You must also consider that he needs to get past Margarito first and I would not be a bit surprised if he didn't as that is very easily a toss up fight in my mind.  

    The key to Cotto beating Floyd is that he MUST not allow Floyd to get a moment's peace.  He needs to apply constant pressure and be very patient.  He will take some punishment though so it could get ugly early.  If he does that, and I think he can, he will come on very strong in the late rounds and possibly even get a late TKO.

  11. Some similarities but not very many.  There's the Latino slugger vs the graceful Black boxer but that's where the comparisons end.  

    Cotto doesn't have that menacing ura that Duran had.   Duran had the stringing wild black hair, menacing eyes and maniacal glare.  He'd punch out a women, not because he's the typical cowardly wife beater, but because he knows it's the wrong thing to do.  

    Cotto cares very much about showing his Puerto Rican pride and being a positive representitive of his country.  While Duran was also proud of being Panamanian (in his younger years he openly admitted to his dislike for Puerto Ricans), he didn't seem to care what YOU thought of Panama, only what you knew HE tought of it.  

    In Duran vs Leonard it was easy to play the "good guy vs bad guy"  role.  Duran was just a very attractive "bad guy" to root for.  Being casted as the villain (to Leonard's olympic hero) wasn't  necessarily a bad thing for Duran.  He appealed to the unprivilaged.  

    It would be very difficult to cast Cotto as a bad guy or villain.  If anything Mayweather would play his usual role as the villian.  He talks a good game and can fight.  However, unless he had a super opponent, he really didn't draw the crowds.   That only changes slightly now what he beat Oscar and Hatton.  

    Floyd was expected to beat both Hatton and De La Hoya.  I don't see him as the big favorite over Cotto.  Maybe he will be a slight favorite.  

    Leonard - Duran was very much "Good guy vs Bad guy".   Floyd's not really a bad person.  In fact I admire the way he always gives credit to his opponent AFTER the fight, despite the amount of trash he talks BEFORE the fight.  

    Cotto's a stand up guy in every way.  He's clean, respectful and is obviously a hard worker.  He showed even at a very early age, that he's a student of the sport.  He represents his country in every positive way one could.  He doesn't shove it down your throat but he stands tall.  He has no trouble living in Trinidad's shadow because he's making his own mark.  Cotto is very much everything you could want in a professional boxer.

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