
Any solutions for my daughters bed problem?

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My daughter is 8 years old and has a problem wetting the bed.I have rewarded her for waking up dry,gave her money,stop drinking 1 hour before bed,her up in the middle of the night.Took her to the doctor to get her checked and they said she has no urinary infection and that she will stop in time.I know she has this problem of holding her urine until she is ready to bust and then she goes to the bathroom.She does this at nights and during the day when she is playing.have talked to her about this but she does not know why she holds her urine.Any solutions?




  1. this may sound strange but try taking her to the toilet every 2 hours during the day to start with, if she drinks plenty during the day she should need to go this often, also stop the liquids at least 2 hours before bed, make her go again before bed , do you have a night light for her to make her way during the night, let her know that she can go at night without you and if she does reward her,hope this helps

  2. just be patient and wait it out. it will stop in time. i know it can be stressful, on both of you. but it doesnt sound like something she can control. and if her doc says it will fade it time, believe him. my cousin wet the bed til she was like 13, and it was stressful for her. be understanding, and try not to make her feel bad about it. make sure you have some protective covering on the matress, and maybe some of those bedwetting big kid undies/diapers to make for easier mornings. best of luck!

  3. By now, she ought to know when she's got to go. Tell her it's her responsibility, and let her clean up the mess. This ought to stop it after a few times.

  4. I totally agree with LJ that kinda the routine I do for my son

  5. I don't see it as having a "problem" wetting the bed. Go to the goodnights web site.

    I'm sure she's not proud of herself for wetting the bed. Just buy her Goodnights and be done with it until she grows out of it.

    Be happy that she sleeps well enough to not be woken up by the need to pee sensation. Just have her go to the bathroom before bed, put on a goodnight and tuck her in.

    Don't reward or punish her for a "behavior" she can't control. Waking her up in the middle of the night could be considered a punishment because you're disturbing her sleep.

  6. Stop liquids at 5:00, don't allow her to drink soda. When she is at home, set a clock and every hour make her stop what she is doing and go to the bathroom.  At night set a clock to go off every 2-3 hours and have her get up and go to the bathroom.  She DOES know why she wets herself, it is because she doesn't want to get away from whatever it is she is doing/she is lazy.  It is up to YOU to make her stop what she is doing, make her get out of bed to go until it becomes a habit for her.

  7. I would buy her Goodnites or Underjams. Also there are some great books on bedwetting that helped my son. Don't be stressed, it will pass.

  8. as some other people have said I don't think that you should reward or punish her, as it is something that she can't control. Bed wetting ran in my family, one of my cousins didn't stop till she was 15, my mom stopped when she was 14, and unfortunately I didn't stop until I was 16. it isn't a dirty habit or anything, you can't help doing it, suggest to her that you want her to wear those kids bed pants, 'goodnights' or something, she will eventually know when she has to go in the night, keep up the good work with stopping her drinks 1 hour before bed, also I used to see a specialist she said If I drink tea, make sure you get decaff tea bags, as this has an affect. I used to have this thing called a bell and pad, you put a pad under the sheets, and if the pad starts to get wet a bell will sound to wake her, unfortunately that didn't work for me, it woke the whole house apart from me, she must be an heavy sleeper like me.

    I am positive that she will grow out of it soon.

    Best wishes


  9. Talk to her about going when she first needs to. And a lot of kids do wet the bed at 8 and older. Just wait it out, she's really the one who can change it if it's not involuntary.

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