
Any solutions to cure sty?

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I guess it's called a sty but I've never heard that. My gf has a painful bump on her eyelid. Anything to help it go away?




  1. gently put a hot wet washcloth on it and hold it there for like 5 or 10 minutes every couple of hours. That will make it burst.  Do not pick it or touch it and keep the area clean.

  2. Tell her to flush her eye once a day and every once in a while take a cold wet cloth and sit with it on her eye for about 20 minutes. They normally go away in a few days. If she wears contacts tell her to leave them out if she can for a few days and wear glasses and that will help speed up the healing process.

  3. i get them alot and currently have 3 right now.  eye doctors in the past have cut them out, my current eye doctor has me taking an antibiotic to try to get rid of them.  try this before having them cut out, having them cut is is terribly painful and uncomfortable.

  4. Hot compress a few times a day should help.  Don't pick or poke - Keep it *very* clean.  If it doesn't go away in a few days, get to a doctor.  Hope this helps :)

  5. try a hot tea bag once or twice a day. my grandpa does it all the time and it works. hope this helps! :]

  6. So a sty is a bacterial infection, that in a normal person with working immune system will resolve itself. you shuold leave it alone and let it finish its course.

    These people who are saying to pop it, at school they told us specifically NOT to try and pop it cause it could really s***w up your eye!!

  7. Here's what she should do: Trash all her makeup as she will reinfect herself with bad bacteria if she reapplies it.  Get a warm cloth as hot as possible without burning yourself and place it over the affected area for about 10-15 mins(with eyes closed:)) Thus should soften the stye up.  Then she should manually try to press and express out as much as she can of the contents of the stye and hopefully it will pop. If the infection gets worse or the stye gets bigger, see a doctor the next day as she needs antibiotics at this point.  Some doctors would disagree with me about doing this yourself but this is what I tell my patients and something to try at home before cashing out the dough to see a doc.

  8. Only time.

  9. A sty is dirt and oil clogging up a pore, just like a pimple, only it clogs your tears ducts of your eyes...they can get so bad where they need to be surgaically removed (lanced). My oldest son used to get them all the time when he was quite little. Use extremely warm moist wash cloths as often as you can and as hot as you can stand it. Do it often. It will soften and help to reduce the hardness and puss inside and draw out the head. AT one point you should be able to pop it and drain it or pop the head out (bear with the pain as much as you can). But then you need to keep doing it until it is completely gone. Works like a charm!!

  10. Touch a gold ring to the sty - I don't know what it is about the gold, but it helps right away.

  11. I hate those things.  I've had them on my eyelids too.  Yeah, they are called sty's.  They are sorted like a pimple.  They can be painful and get infected if you pick, scratch, squeeze or mess with them.  And then sometimes they don't cause any discomfort but stay there and don't go away and you see it every day wishin it would!  I read if you put a wet, hot, clean washcloth on it through out the day or an evening it will open up on it's own, like drain, and eventually heal. She might need to do that procedure more than a day. I tried this and it worked. Or she can try a wet, hot, soaked tea bag.   Hope that helps your gf!  If it gets really red, or infected she should see her doctor.

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