
Any solutions to remove hair other than waxing ? What is a good age to start waxing (for a Girl) ?

by Guest61998  |  earlier

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My sis is 10 and she wants to wax . She tried it yesterday and she could not bear the pain. Her legs are a little bit too hairy for her age. My mom did not reccomend her to wax her legs , But she still tried. And she did not like it at all. So any other ways to remove hair ( pain free effective plans ) ? I think the right age to wax is around 12-13 as i and my mom both started at the same age. What do u think?




  1. i didn't start waxing until i was 14, but i don't wax my legs, just my eyebrows. i just shave my legs, but if she don't want to shave, she could always try nair or something like that (they don't smell the greatest while they're working, though!)

  2. Maybe she should use nair hair removal kit it doesnt hurt at all thats what i did when i was her age!

  3. Ummm i think your sister is a bit too young to start waxing or shaving i started at the age of 13.But i guess if your sis wants to she could try out veet rasera that way she doesnt risk getting a cut (ouch)...

  4. nair is the best and for the bikini area deff. nair and she is not old enough but if it iz a hair situation sure go 4 it

  5. I think probably 13 is a good age to wax. And you can always shave. It doesn't hurt at all, unless you cut yourself!

  6. She could start shaving, just make sure she uses shave cream and doesn't cut herself.

    Or she could use Nair or Veet hair removal cream.

    Those work just as well.

  7. She can shave or use creams like nair

  8. She could use hair removal cream or just shave it. Shaving shouldn't hurt if she's careful and doesn't cut herself or get razor burn. And I think the right age to wax is either 12 or 13 or when the girl is just too hairy.

  9. She should just shave them. It doesn't hurt unless you cut yourself. But if you do it right and use good razors its a very effective way to get rid of hair. Hope i helped. I think the right age is 11+. It just depends the level of maturity.

  10. Owch! I have a looooong history in waxing! :P it's not fun I mean the hair get's lighter, less thick and grows back slower each time but then I discovered the wonderful world of shaving! I was totally reluctant t first but it's soooo much easier than waxing and it's faster and cheaper! I dont think 10 is too young to start waxing I knew a bunch of girls who hit puberty early and started shaving at eight. It doesn't force the kid to grow up it just helps her to look the best she can be. (ps waxing hurts less each time oh and BTW moisturize after-it helps!)

  11. I would wax or pluck the eyebrows and shave her legs

  12. Well i think you can wax whenever you feel confident enough   lol.

    besides shaving, i use NAIR. it really works and is really fast.   alot faster then shaving anyway!!

  13. shave or use nair

    right age- 13 or 14

  14. I started waxing my eyebrows at age 11. But i started shaving my legs at age 9. Why dosnt she just shave? Or she can use Nair. It dosnt hurt. It just kind burns but on a pain scale of 1-10 its like a 2 or 3. And it lasts for like 3 days. But it makes your skin feel sooo smooth.

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