
Any sort of answers are appreciated

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So this is currently my second round of Clomid...First Dose I was put on 50mg and didn't ovulate....I had very low side effects that round...(its relevant) this time around I was put on 100mg and as soon as I started taking the pills I became nauseous, headache and hot flashes...(signs you commonly hear about)..well on Sunday (Cycle Day 16) I was in the shower and (sorry for the TMI) as I was cleaning myself...I felt a large amount of gooey stuff...I did examine it a bit...and it was clear in color and kind of keep in mind I was in the shower and for me to have noticed had to be a lot..Now I've never experienced I really don't know if this is ovulationn.That's precisely why...checking my CM and BBT..never did anything for me...I just wasn't ovulating...I did the deed Friday Night and well Sunday Morning...(right after the shower)...also Monday Night...and Tuesday Night....

I didn't do the OPK's this round because of reasons out of my control...and my doctors hasnt checked to see if I ovualted...(he not a very good dr) Kind of just put me on the pills and let it fly...(i am currently looking for another Dr.)...but i am still taking the Clomid

so my questions...could this have been ovulation...and according to the days I good are my chances of concieving....

Thanx in advance for the answers...and Baby Dust to all TTC




  1. Yep, sounds like you ovulated and did all the right things!

  2. Sounds to me like it was your EWCM and you definitely timed it well. Hope it worked for you- good luck

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