
Any <span title="help......................?">help........................</span>

by  |  earlier

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my period is due tomorow and i am sick as a dog i think i am preggers i have big sore b***s lol morning sickness i am staving all the time and plus i have put on weight and peeing alot! but....i took i preg test a couple of days ago and it was a negative do you think that i could still be pregnant? or is it all in my head!?




  1. I think your pregnant!!!

    Take a test after 2 more weeks or better,......go to the gyeconolgist

  2. Symtomps look like you are preggers!! Do a test about four days after you miss your period, that&#039;s when hcg is highest.

    Good luck!!

  3. With my daughter, it took a blood test at 6 wks pregnant to verify it. The at home tests didn&#039;t work until after that. Wait another week or so then take another one.  

  4. It can very well be a psychological-pregancy however, sometimes pregnancies wont show up on urine pregnancy test. For best results you have to wait until you are due or a few days later. Stress can also give you pregancy-like symptoms and delay your period. You might want to consider a blood test if you dont get the menses in about two weeks and if the urine test still shows negative. Good luck!

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