
Any special traditions for weddings in italy?

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getting married soon in italy.. don't know what to expect.. i know the american version, but don't want to experience the international flavor in my wedding...

any hints from anyone? we'll be in the milan area... at Christmas time.




  1. Usually the bridegroom waits into the church  at the altar or into the municipal building (it depends if your wedding is religious or civil), and the bride enter accompanied by his father walking together to the altar.

    At the exit all the relatives and friends launch some rice or petals of a rose upon the spouses.


  2. Expect jokes from your guests! It's a tradition that friends and relatives go to the couple's house and make some mess there, for instance at my cousin's wedding we filled the bedroom with glasses of water; so that  they had to spend some hours pouring them in the bathroom in order to reach the bed ! Congratulations and best wishes!

  3. no...i don't think we have anySPECIAL tradition....i could tell maybe some differences from English-Americna movies.... for example in some films u here some choosen songs when the wife walks italy it's just one march for every1,always the same 1....

    and the husband waits for the wife with his mother....the wife is brought there by her father and then there're some kind ways to kiss  the other's parents,but the priest will tell you this....

    not muchother differences i guess.....

    congratulations for ur wedding!!!!!

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