
Any spells/prayers that can cure or alleviate

by Guest59128  |  earlier

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Cancer/Ptsd and all the damages that results from them




  1. Start a prayer-chain for the person who is thus afflicted. It may not cure in its self but it will help. Positive energy when projected to an ailing person ALWAYS has positive results. Peace&Love be with you...~M~

  2. Well, I know a voodoo ritual that will help. It's sort of like a voodoo doll but traditional dolls like that were used to alleviate pain and cast out the bad. What you do is get two cloths sort of cut out in a human shape. They can be in bright colors like red, yellow or a dark color such as black. Sew them together and stuff them then prick the doll with a needle, saying that you cast out whatever needs to be cast out of the person. set this doll on an alter and keep it handy.  

  3. you can't use spells and prayers together.You do one or the other and I hope its a prayer to the one and only God of the Bible.

    EDIT:Thanks for all the thumbs down,sweeties.

  4. No spells can completely cure a disease or disorder - they still need to be treated by appropriate doctors - otherwise, I'm sure us witches would be out curing everything and everyone we possibly could.

    However, spellwork and different forms of holistic healing could help to alleviate some uncomfortable symptoms and side effects.  Such methods can compliment the work done by the specialists in the medical field treating the cancer or the PTSD, as far as the overall health and wellbeing of the patient.

    As an example, when my Mom was battling lymphoma cancer and going through a bit of pain or discomfort from the chemo treatments (and she hated taking pain medication), I would do some crystal healing work, chakra balancing/unblocking, and/or spell work for her to help alleviate her pain or discomfort and make her more comfortable.  

    (Mind you though, I had been practicing spellwork and some forms of alternative healing for quite some time before she got sick - it's not something I just picked up right then.)

  5. I'm afraid there is no spell that can guarantee a cure for something as devastating as cancer. However, there are methods that can help comfort the sufferer and promote healing.

    For any healing spell, you need to focus on the patient and visualise them getting stronger and healthier. Imagine their disease drifting away like smoke while you fill them with a strong green light. It is essential that you not only see this happen in your minds eye, but you pour your will into making it happen. A chant can help you focus your will, keep it simple and imagine the energy increasing with each repetition

    Create a conducive ritual atmosphere by burning sage incense, to get rid of negative energy and lighting green candles - green being the colour of healing.

    You can also call on the healer gods - Aesclepius, Hygeia, Brigit or The Great Mother for their aid and leave offerings for the quick recovery of the patient

    Certain crystals are reputed to act on particular diseases. Rhodonite is meant to help with emotional trauma, such as that involved in PTSD. Selenite is associated with helping to fight cancer. You could obtain small crystals and make them into amulets by charging them with your intention and getting the patient to wear them or carry them around.

    Many hospitals now offer complimentary therapies to cancer sufferers. The intention is not to cure or replace conventional medication but to help relax the patient and get them thinking positively. There is evidence that a positive mindset has a strong effect on recovery and some therapies, such as acupuncture, have been shown to aid nausea brought on by chemotherapy.

    If it helps you to know, I once led a ritual to help the niece of a friend recover from leukaemia. We cast a circle, lit complimentary candles and incense and chanted over a photo of the little girl to raise energy which we sent to her. As I described above, I instructed my coven sisters to visualise the energy burning away the disease and filling her with strength and life force. I'm pleased to say that last I heard, she was in remission and enjoying a normal childhood. I don't know if what we did had any real measurable effect, but it certainly did no harm and it helped her auntie feel like she was doing something to help in an otherwise helpless situation.

    Blessings to you in your time of distress

  6. there are no spells because there is no magic.  go see a doctor go get real people astound me

  7. There are several crystals that will help alleviate the effects of treatment like radiotherapy and chemotherapy.  These crystals don't cure, but they help REDUCE the nausea and vomitting.  They are Rhodocrosite, angelite, kyanite.  Place in a small pouch together and have them close.

    Blessed Be

  8. you could study Paganism and design a spell that may help. but cancer is best treated by a doctor. and PTSD is best treated by a psychologist.

    prayer, magic can help, but is no substitute for medical help.

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