
Any stories of when you or your child where hyper ?

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Does anyone have a funny story of when they where a kid and they where impulsive and hyper? Or their children? Thanks.




  1. We were at a thanksgiving get together when my 4 yr old daughter kept eating red jube jubes ond drank red punch..she was so hyper it was like seeing a cat on cat nip se was slithering around the floor like a snake trying to bite peoples feet! and then she ran around trying to spank people...I wondered what on earth had happened to my little girl!

    After that day needles to say we try to limit her red food intake lol

  2. When I was little and my mom, brother, and I were at the mall I drank a whole large soda. After that I kept telling my mom I had to go to the bathroom but she said no because I just went. i kept telling her and cryng but she still didn't take me. So then we were in a toystore and all of a sudden my mom heard crying. She went to the next aisle and I was standing there with wet pants and a puddle around me. The store had to clean it up and my mom appologized. We walked out and I said to my mom... I told you I had to go.

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