
Any suggested books on global warming?

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Any suggested books on global warming?




  1. An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore (the book) will give you most of the facts you need. It looks like a coffee table book when you open it (because of the pictures) but it contains a huge wealth of information too.

  2. Tim Flannery's "the Weather Makers" is a good backgrounder on the science.

    Mark Lynas's book "High Tide" runs through some of the impacts of climate change that are already being felt - melting glaciers, species loss, flooding, sea level rise on low-lying islands.

    George Monbiot's "Heat: How to stop the Planet burning" is a good foray into possible solutions, however Monbiot can be a bit one-track-minded sometimes. isn't a book, but it's a great place to keep up to date on the science (it's written by actual climate scientists).

    There's also the excellent comic/graphic novella "Funny Weather: Everything you didn't want to know about climate change but probably should find out", by Kate Evans. There's some preview pages at

    I haven't read An Inconvenient Truth, but the film was ok, I'm sure that books is also a decent place to start.

  3. One that impressed me greatly is "Field Notes from a Catastrophe," by Elizabeth Kolbert.  I'd also recommend E.O.Wilsons, "The Creation," even though it doesn't deal specifically with global climate change, because it is so well written and food for thought.

  4. Free reading and graphic images showing the cause of global warming. This information isn't in print and academia can't see these temperatures in a calculator.

    Global warming simply means there is a source of heat atmospherically and heat trapping gases is missing important science while we generate heat on the surface of the planet close to boiling temperature Go to the following link and see what the world has been missing and how these global warming issues end up as toxins in newborns. Follow the links to press releases for the UN

  5. Leaf is right about Al Gore's book. I would read books pro and con so I knew both sides of the argument and could make informed decisions and comments.

  6. anything by al gore

  7. for a more realistic conservative view on global warming I recommend:

    Micheal crightons "State of Fear"

    or the PIG guide to global warming and environmentalism.

    I did make a youtube video on global warming if you are interested go to

  8. My favorites are:

    h**l and High Water by Joseph Romm

    Heat by George Monbiot

    Six Degrees By Mark Lynas

    With Speed and Vengence by Fred Pearce

  9. global warming is not a fact. they earth get hot sometimes, and then it cools down, kind of like the human body. The ice caps have recently frozen back like they used to be. stay current, but good questions. Im sorry I dont know of any good books on the subject.

  10. Let me tell you right now, do not read George Manbiot or Joseph Romm, unless you read both of them with a very skeptical mindset. They are interesting fellows, but George and Joseph are a bit on the fanatical side when it comes to this issue. In fact, any book you read on the issue of climate change should be read with a skeptical mindset--nearly everyone that writes a book on climate change has very strong opinions (usually wrong in one way or another) on the subject that often show through with great bias.

  11. "Atlas Shrugged"


    "Animal Farm"

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