
Any suggestion on headache relief that is not oral besides head-on?

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My 10 year old has a severe headache but is also vomiting. She threw up the medicine. Anything else I can do for her to relieve her headache. Laying down in a quiet room with a cold cloth is not helping either. Thanks!




  1. 10 is young to have severe headaches. Did she start her periods yet? Has she been sick recently? What triggered it. The best thing for headaches is Mountain Dew, it is being researched as a possible headache cure in medicine form if they can find what ingredient is responsible for relieving the headaches.

    Try some mountain dew and if that does not work and shes still got a headache that bad more then 10hrs later take her to a doctor for further workup. Also be careful if it gets worse then go strait to emergency room.

  2. I've had fairly sever headaches for years now (one of the many perks of Tourette's syndrome, my tics give me massive headaches). They sell these cool gel patches called WellPatch Migraine Relief Patches, and they help a lot.

    If the vomiting lets up any, tylenol (maybe even tylenol pm so she can sleep, though I don't have any experience giving tylenol pm to someone so young) with classic coke has been a lifesaver. The caffeine in the coke helps a lot. Water is good too (I know you said not oral, sorry). Dehydration makes headaches worse, and if she's throwing up, she's probably losing a lot of fluids.

    Suggest that she gently rub her temples. Be careful though, because although sometimes it helps, if you're not gentle, it can make it worse.

    Are you sure that it's just a bad headache and not a migraine? She's a bit young, but I was around 12 I think when I had my first migraine, and migraines often come with vomiting.

    I'm sorry that your daughter is going through this, headaches are miserable. I hope she feels better.

  3. I would call the doctor honestly. I know it might not seem like an emergency, but if she can't keep medication down and it is actually "severe" + the vomiting, they could hook her up to an I.V. to rehydrate her and give her medication through the I.V. A 10 year old shouldn't really be having "severe" headaches, so maybe they could figure out why.  

  4. Your daughter may not be eating because it could make her nauseous.  Maybe she needs different medicine.

    My granddaughter has this type of headache.  In her case, it is "pre-migraine." She is 7 yrs old.

    She has learned to come and ask for the medicine, which works in her case.  Maybe different medicine could work for yours.

    She also is learning to walk away from stressful situations, and be

    Warm baths help her relax, too, and dark, quiet rooms.

    Good luck to you.

  5. Hmmm...

    When I hear about headaches accompanied by vomiting, my first thought is migranes.  Yes, children can have them.  Has this been ruled out?

    If missing one snack is enough to provoke one of these headaches, there's something else going on here.  Is she hypoglycemic?  

    I would get a second opinion.  

  6. Rubbing temples. Massage feet.

    It sounds as though she has migraines. My son started getting them at 6.

  7. coffee, Coffee, and more Coffee. Seriously coffee helps, drink it black with  a bit of sugar. caffeine in the coffee helps open up blood vessels in the brain that are constricted. They make your head hurt and coffee opens them up. Trust me some pills actually have this ingredient in there product.    

  8. This link has information on relieving headaches with acupressure:


  9. I think you should call her doctor.  A headache that is bad enough to make you vomit needs to be looked at.

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