
Any suggestion on the best family insurance? My kids thankfully had medicaid and are no longer eligible.?

by  |  earlier

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Just want to Thank anyone ahead of time for their answers. I have no idea where to begin. I have done a little research but some of these web pages don't even make any sense. Thanks again!




  1. Your best bet is going to be speaking with a local independent agent. There is a great deal of info that can be found online, but when it's brand new and you have little to no experience relating to the Insurance industry, it really doesn't make much sense.

    A local agent will be able to determine what options are available to you, and then determine what will be your best option depending on your financial abilities as well as the type of coverage that will be needed for your family.

    And if you are anything like me, I was in ways terrified or nervous about going to speak with someone locally, face to face because I thought that they would try to make as much money as they could off of me, and that I would be faced with the never ending pushy salesman type who just wouldn't quit or take no for an answer. It was actually quite the opposite and found that they are very helpful and tend to really want to help you find the best, most affordable option for you. It's actually better for them if they help you find something that will work for you and fit with you and what you can afford monthly because when it comes down to it, if you can't afford the monthly premium then they don't get paid anyhow.

    A little over 2 years ago I was in a similar spot as you are now in that I was looking for insurance for our family and trying to decipher what everything meant and what was needed and what was not, what was covered and what wasn't, etc. After my initial search it really started to peak my interest and it still does to this day. I'm not sure if I can help much but if you have any specific questions that you find are not answered here, feel free to send me a note here through my profile and I'll see what I can do or if I can at least direct you to a place to find some more help.

    Good Luck!

  2. It can be very difficult and time consuming if you're trying to find the best plan by yourself. If you contact a local agent that works with all the major companies you'll save yourself a lot of time and headaches. The agent can find the best plan for your situation and budget in a few minutes. There is no extra charge using an agent and you'll have someone local to ask questions when they come up.

    Do not try to do this over the internet. If you have any pre-existing conditions that might add a rider to the policy, cause you to be declined, or if you are out of the height and weight guidelines you won't know until you've applied and gone through the underwriting process.

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