
Any suggestions? I had a tubal reversal and have been on clomid to find out now I am entering menopause.?

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I am having pre-menopause according to my gyn. While I know I am not close in an age that this should be happening, I am really upset since my husband and I have been trying to have a baby. Since we just paid for the tubal reversal out of pocket, we don't have money for a surrogate or to put thousands into an adoption.

I am really upset just hearing that this may have all been in vain. I guess if nothing else, just say a prayer for acceptance either way.




  1. Dana

    I wouldn't give up yet. you might want to get a second opinion. My daughter try ed a fertility doctor and with a couple of try's she got pregnant. I would also keep prayers going up to the Lord. I will be praying for you also. God Bless.                                                

                      ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€Â  Concerned Prayer Warrior †  

  2. First and foremost, I would see a reproductive endocrinologist (fertility doctor).  And don't be "fooled" by the occasional OB/GYN that says they "specialize" in fertility.  Find a MD that does NOTHING but fertility...they can get you a lot more info about your situation.

    I truly wish you the best.  Don't give up....there are SO many options!!

    This link will help you find one in your area:

    For Stat on offices/clinics here is the BEST link:

  3. Dana,

    I can see how you would feel very upset by this news. I do think you should continue to hope and seek for your dream of having a child.

    As dedicated as you and your husband are to this purpose, I am sure you would be loving and concerned parents!

    God gave me another pregnancy and live child after 3 miscarriages in a row and doctors who said I wouldn't have another baby that lived. Her name is Christina Rose and She's 21!  Whoo Hoo for God!!!

    I will pray for you and your husband.


    Spirited Prayer Warrior

  4. I pray that you will have the wisdom and finances to do what God wills. Children are a gift from God. He wants us to have the best gifts. I pray that you will have the child that He wants you to have. In the Name of Jesus. †Prayer Warrior At Your Request†  

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